Weasley Wednesday Part 1

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"Theo are you sure I have to go?" Hermione asked him for the tenth time.

"Yes. Rhyme can make friends and you and I can gossip with the girls," He declared from her large closet.

Theo had insisted on picking out her outfit. One, because he liked styling his favorite cousin Two, because they would be waling past Draco and he wanted to see some drama. And three, because why the hell Nott?

"But what if I don't exactly want to go?" Hermione asked, "I haven't seen them since I got back two weeks ago. And I only saw Ginny and Harry at that. Who is even going to be there?"

"Calm yourself.... What size shoe do you wear?"

"Ten," Hermione grumbled (Hey! That's my size!)

"Bigfoot," Theo chuckled examing wedged sandals, "Well you have Mama Weasley and Muggle Weasley--"

"Muggle Weasley?

"Arthur. Geez that was obvious. Then you got the half werewolf and Veela with their two kids. Then the prankster and chaser with their daughter, Boring Ministry one and muggle with their daughter. Luna and Rolf Scamander-- they're married. Potter and Potterette, Longbottom and hus wife Hannah, and then of course Ron and his pet flower."


"That's the one! Oh and like almost every girl their is pregnant. Fluer has a boy coming an day now, Ginny has her first child brewing, Angelina has a boy as well, Luna's carrying twins, Audrey has another girl coming and I'm almost positive that Hannah has a bun in the oven," Theo explained.

"That is everyone, Theo," Hermione laughed as he came out.

She walked forward and pulled the shirt off his head that had fallen off a shelf. He grinned at her with a boyish smile.

"Thanks now put these on," He commanded.

Hermione groaned but changed into the ripped blue jeans white cropped tank top that had spaghetti straps and peach colored sweater.

"Beautiful!" He declared clapping his hands, "Oh wait!"

Theo sprinted from the room and returned a moment later with a small pink dress with strawberries on it. He held it up with a triumphant grin.

"I found this in Diagon Alley. Rhyme can wear it and be just as fashionable as her mother," He complimented with a wink.

Hermione laughed and grabbed her beaded bag. She dumped out all the books and random junk in it before packing essentials and a few items in case they were attacked. What could she say? Being put through a war taught you to be prepared for anything.

"Rhyme's with Malfoy. She kept insisting to play with 'The sunhead man'," Hermione said linking arms with Theo and exiting the room.

"How're things between you?" Theo asked wiggling his eyebrows.

Hermione slapped his chest lightly, "Shut up. Nothing's happened."

Theo went into a coughing fit suddenly, but Hermione managed to here a few words in it. 'Expect he kissed you three times.'

He laughed when she groaned. As they approached the sitting room, Theo began braiding Hermione's hair.

"You really need to try some Sleekeys," He commented.

"Not everyone has naturally tame hair Theo."

"Mummy!" Rhyme screamed running over and jumping into her mothers arms.

"Hey baby," Hermione smiled, her fave completely lighting up upon seeing Rhyme.

"Dwaco and me were playing explodining snap!"

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