The Reveal Part 1

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Thanks to SlytherpuffQueen for this idea!

August 25 2005:

Hermione sat with her arms folded tightly, glaring at Blaise. Blaise was nervously fidgeting with his hands. The silence in the room was defeaning. Draco, Liv, Theo, and Pansy were outside of the door, listening in. All four were waiting for Hermione to explode.

"I got off?" Blaise winced at his own words.

"And if you hadn't?" Hermione growled.

"Azkaban for life?" Blaise asked.

"Blaise, I cant believe you killed him!" Hermione cried, finally giving in to the scolding that was waiting to be unleashed.

"He got you pregnant! I probably would have left him off but you went and told me!" Blaise countered.

"And do I mind now at all? No! Its in the past, Blaise. Why couldn't you just let it go and let the authorities take him down?"

"I am the authorities!"

"In training! Tell me, Blaise. After killing Cormac McLaggen, are you ever going to get to be an Auror?" Hermione demanded.


"And why not?"

"I've been banned from setting foot in the Ministry for life," Blaise muttered, sinking into the couch.

Hermione began pacing back and forth. She continued to yell at him. In Blaise's defense, his brotherly instincts had kicked in. He saw the man who had knocked up his sister, and he acted. The guy didn't even try to stick around. And, it had been proven he had ordered older goons to murder their parents.

"Draco, get in their and control her. Blaise will be forever embedded in the couch if we let her finish!" Liv hissed, pushing his brother forward.

"Wait what? No Liv, sto — hey Mia," Draco changed his words once the door was shut behind him.

"Draco! Good. Explain to your friend how it is not okay to kill people!" Hermione exclaimed.

"Um, I kinda take his side here. If I saw Cormac, I would've done the exact same thing." Draco admitted.

"Avada him and then stab his dead body?"

"He hurt the girl I love, of course I would've." Draco shrugged. "What? Did I say something?" He asked after she stood for awhile, just staring at him.

"The girl you . . . love?" Hermione asked.

Draco's face paled. "Bloody hell! I — I'm sorry. I wasn't going to tell you until tonight."

As he spoke, his face became redder and redder. Hermione couldn't contain the grin. He had accidentally admitted he loved her, and seemed slightly embarrassed about his slipup.

"What's tonight?"

"Mate, you are crashing and burning here!" Blaise chuckled.

"Blaise? Get out of here!" Draco hissed, turning to find the Italian boy.

Blaise laughed wholeheartedly and left the room. Draco turned back to Hermione. He struggled to briefly to find a response to her question, absentmindedly slipping his hand into his pocket and clutching a small item.

"Uh, our dinner date," Draco lied.

"Oh right, that. Yeah, yeah, I totally knew that," Hermione spluttered, waving her hands more than needed.

"You forgot didn't you?"

"I'm sorry! Please forgive me," Hermione begged, giving him puppy dog eyes.

"You're forgiven. Just be down here by six tonight, ready to go," Draco replied.

He pecked her lips quickly before striding through the room. He exited and shut the door behind him before leaning against it and letting out a relieved sigh.

"So what's tonight?" Pansy asked.

Draco took his hand out of his pocket. He opened his hand and showed them the item. At the same time, Liv and Pansy both slapped a hand over Theo's mouth. Barely a second after they had done so, he squealed.

"Good luck, lover boy," Liv teased.

Draco exhaled deeply. He really hope he wouldn't screw things up tonight. And boy, he was wrong and right at the same time.

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