Weasley Wednesday Part 2

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"Its good to meet you!" Audrey smiled, "Everyone talks about you. It's good to put a name to a face."

"Well, same too you," Hermione nodded her head. "So what's been happening with you guys?"

"We've been pretty good," Hannah answered, patting her stomach. "Due any day now. I've been trying to pull Neville away from work, but he's glued to resetting up his contract with Malfoy."

"Oh yes Malfoy," Theo grinned wiggling his eyebrows.

Hermione glared at him, a faint blush spreading across her face. Ginny picked up on it and stared wide eyes.

"What did Mione and Malfoy do?"


"Snogged three times," Theo grinned, ignoring Hermione completely.

"Zey what?" Fluer gaped, "Go Mione!"

"Really?" Hermione groaned.

"What?" Fluer grinned, "'E's had hes eye on you since ze Yule Ball."

"Fluer," Hermione groaned burying her head in her arms.

"So Mione and Malfoy eh?" Angelina grinned, "Imagine their kids. Would totally rule the world."

"I'm not having kids with him!" Hermione shrieked bolting up.

"You say that now, but just wait," Hannah smirked, "I'm betting on four. Not including your other one."

"Her names Rhyme," Hermione stated desperate for a subject change.

"Beautiful name for a beautiful girl," Audrey nodded.

"But back to the matter at hand," Ginny stated, "In thinking two boys and two girls."

"Nah," Hannah said shaking her head, "A single boy and three girls. Two sets of twins at that."

"Specific," Theo nodded.

"I have my ways," Hannah smiled glad she had a seer background and could easily predict what would happen if two people got together. In a way she was more like a cupid.

"But back eat up," Fluer said waving her arms in front of her, "I'm curious, who ez ze father? Of Rhyme?"

"Oh you know your early adulthood is. Barely keeping track of whose who," Hermione chuckled brushing it off. She had recently found out who it was, Rhyme's father. She was just too embarrassed to tell anyone she had had a one night stand with Cormac McLaggen.

"Mummy! Mummy! Can Rhyme stay with us tonight? She says its okay if you and Aunt Mione say yes!" Roxanne begged tugging on Angelina's sleeve.

"You'll have to ask Aunt Mione," Angelina told the young girl.

"Aunt Mione! Aunt Mione!" Roxanne screamed running to Hermione with wide eyes, "Can Rhyme stay with us? Everyone is staying with us too! We want Rhyme to come!"

"It's fine with me if Angelina says yes," Hermione answered.

"Sounds perfect," The said girl smiled.

Roxanne gave a scream of excitement and ran off to tell her cousins. Hermione laughed as Angelina sighed and threw her head in her hands.

"Kids are a handful."

"She'll probably get worse in her teenage years," Hannah smiled.

"Don't remind me!"

After hours of talking and gossiping and sharing drinks, Weasley Wednesday had finally come to a close. Rhyme was staying the night with Angelina, George, and the rest of the kids giving Hermione a free night.

She was thankful for it, considering her sleeping patterns weren't the best. Theo laughed once they had apparated back to Zabini Manor. Hermione had thrown herself onto the couch and buried a piow over her face.

"Angelina said it! Kids are a handful," She muttered against the pillow.

"Just think, if what Hannah says is true then one day you'll have four more!"

"No! I wouldn't be able to stand that!" Hermione exclaimed bolting up.

"Stand what?" Draco asked coming in and sitting on the opposite couch next to Theo.

"Four more kids," Theo replied with a smirk.

"Where would she get four kids and why?" Draco asked, unaware that he desperately did not want to know the answer.

"Well Hannah had this interesting theory that yo--"

"No!" Hermione all but screamed sitting up again after having lied back down, "No! Nothing at all. She just thinks I'll have four more kids and that's all of it. Nothing else!"

"Sure. Anyways, Hannah say that Mione will have two sets of twins. Three girls and one boy out of them," Theo shrugged.

"That's impossible," Draco stated, "Mother made me read a lot and according to this pureblood book, even though you come from one family that has a likely change of twins-- the father will have to be from another family that has a likely change of twins. Some weird blood magic thing or whatever."

"So then she'll probably have kids with someone like that!" Theo stated.

"Hannah must be wrong though," Draco shook his head, "There's only three families that exist that have these high chances. Zabini's, which is her, Malfoy's, Liv and I, and Weasleys. Unless Granger makes up Weasel, it wouldn't happen. I can't very well see her shacking up with her own brother."

Theo smirked like there was no tomorrow. Hermione groaned and buried her fave in her hands.

"What?" Draco asked.

"She's not getting with her brother and we all doubt she'll get that cozy with a weasel so who does that leave?" He smirked.


"She's not a boy." Theo encouraged him.

Draco thought for a moment before he groaned, slightly red, "Theo you need to but out of other peoples lives."

"Sorry, its what I do best," The brunette grinned before skipping from the room.

"We need to find him a boyfriend or something. Maybe a cactus," Draco stated.

Hermione broke into a peal of giggles, "I think he'd have a better chance with a cactus than an actual human being."

"True," Draco smiled to her.

Hermione rolled her eyes and stood, "Well I'm headed to bed. Today was exhausting. Night Malfoy!"

"Hey wait!" He called as she turned to leave.

Hermione spun back around to come face to chest with the blonde. She looked up and quirked an eyebrow.

"I'm warning you," He whispered before bending down and kissing her slowly.

When he pulled away, he smiled softly down to her, "I just felt like doing that." He answered the unasked question.

He then leaned down to her ear and whispered softly, lips brushing against her warm skin, "And Hannah's idea doesn't sound half bad."

With that he left the room, leaving Hermione standing there like a hippogriff caught in the great hall.

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