The Reveal Part 2

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The song used is made by me. Use any rhythm you'd like while. (Hi its me now. I dunno what I was thinking two years ago cause this sucks so good luck.)


I don't know where this came from


Where what did?


But she's stuck in my head


Gossip! Who is it?


All I see is her


Tell me your crushie wushie!!!!!


And its driving me up the wall


You can't drive up. Science just doesn't like that


She keeps giving me chances


I've never heard this so I'm assuming you wrote it


Even when I shouldn't have them


Hey, don't beat yourself up. I'm sure you're great in person


Just today I realized


Realized what?


How much I love her




Didn't know what to do so I wrote her a letter


When did you get a heart? This is amazing!


And it goes a little something like


Tell me!!!!!!


Dear My One True Love, do you know what you're doing to me?


I'm assuming she doesn't


Dear My One True Love, I know it hurts, but, I don't ever want this feeling to stop


Wait, can you go from the start of the chorus again? I'm just gonna read it while I finish doing my hair.


(So demanding)

Dear My One True Love, do you know what you're doing to me?
Dear My One True Love, I know it hurts, but, I don't ever want this feeling to stop
So keep your brown eyes shining
And your cute smiling running
Let your hair down
Be yourself
Just, be my one try love
Dear My True Love
(That's the end)

"D — Draco?" Hermione asked.

Draco looked up to see Hermione reading what he was sending, over his shoulder.

"Um, I can explain?"

"You, you're Glitter!" Hermione accused coming around.

She was in an ankle length purple dress. It was flowing around her as she moved. Her hair was up in and elegant braid with a few strands framing her face. Draco couldn't help but smile at her beauty.

"I can't believe it! All this time its been you! You, you — oh my god, you knew I liked you before I even told you! What the hell? Why did you even — "

He cut her off with a kiss. She was just so breathtakingly beautiful that he had to be sure she was real. Hermione stopped her rant immediately, and fell under his spell.

"What wad that for?" She asked as soon as they separated.

"I love you, Hermione," Draco breathed, looking deep into her eyes.

"I love you too, Draco. But seriously? You were Glitter this whole time!"

Draco groaned. "My name is not Glitter."

"It is to me," Hermione countered. "And I checked my calendar. We did not have a date tonight. We have one in three days."

"This couldn't wait," Draco said. "And since, knowing you, I am not taking you anywhere until you get a really good explanation, well. I'll explain."

He took her hands in his and took a deep breath. "Hermione, we — we have definitely had our ups and downs. Just up until before you left with Rhyme, I really didn't like you. But in those five years you were gone, I couldn't stop thinking about you. You're my everything. My One True Love. I guess what I'm trying to say is . . . Hermione, will you make the happiest being on this planet and be my wife. Will you marry me?"

Hermione stared for a minute. Tears were streaming down her face by now. Her hands were tightky clasped over her mouth as she looked down on him. He'd transferred to one knee during his speech.

"That was a bloody good explanation,"_ She breathed. "Yes! Yes, a millions tikes yes Draco!"

Draco slid the diamond ring onto her finger. He stood up, and pulled her close to him before kissing her.

"See Rhyme, I told you he'd be your dad," Theo whispered from the corner of the room where he and Rhyme were quietly sitting.

"I like him," Rhyme decided, "Daddy makes mummy happy."

"He really does." Theo agreed, watching as Hermione and Draco stare at each other, smiling from ear to ear.

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