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"THEO!" Draco bellowed up the stairs.

The said brunette appeared at the top of the staircase with a grin. He sat himself upon the banister and slid down, jumping off at the end. He landed in Draco's arms.

"Come on," Draco groaned tossing him to the floor.

"So whatcha need?" Theo grinned coming to his feet and wiping the invisible dust of his shirt.

"To kill you!"

Theo leapt back quickly putting distance between himself and the angry blonde. He grinned sheepishly holding his hands in front of him in an act of surrender.

"Easy, Draco, what did I do exactly?" Theo questioned slowly inching away.

Now that Theo took a long look at Draco, he could tell that his normal posh appearance was off. Draco's hair was disheveled and he had small dark rings under his eyes.

"What you said a few days ago. That's what you did!" Draco declared dragging Theo into a random room and putting a silencing charm on it, unare that Pansy and Astoria were already sitting there.

"All I said was that Hannah thought that you and Hermione would have two sets of twi--"

"Yes! And now all I see every single god dammed time I close my eyes is little children with curly blonde hair and her brown eyes!"

"Her eyes are blue," Astoria smirked.

"No. They're like a mix between hazel and caramel and if you look close and long enough you can sometimes see flecks of blue and green-- oh. Wait when did you get here?" He asked glancing back to the door.

"We've been here. You entered on us," Pansy grinned before she shared a look with Astoria, "So you and Hermione having kids?"

"I know right? They'd be so cute. Not to mention take over the world, we all know that," Theo rambled flinging himself onto the second couch.

"No! No get those thoughts out if your head, they've plagued mine already. We will never  have kids. Its absurd!"

"What's absurd?" Blaise asked coming in, "I heard raised voices," he added as an explanation.

"We heard loud voices," Liv clarified following him in and closing the door, "So what's the commotion about."

"What Hermione and Draco's kids would look like," Theo stated.

"Curly blonde, maybe more of a dirty blonde, hair and blueish-greyish or brown eyes," Blaise shrugged before realizing what he had said, "Wait no! No, no, no, no, No! Hermione and Draco will never be together much less have kids."

"Do I want to know why you just said that?" Hermione asked from the doorway with a blush on her cheeks.

Draco groaned and went bright red mumbling about 'stupid brothers'. Blaise glared at him. He then turned to Hermione.

"They were discussing what the offsprings would look like if you and Draco were to have one," Blaise shuddered at the thought, "But it will never happened."

"I'll second that," Draco mumbled.

"And I will third it," Hermione declared, "Unfortunately I gotta go. Rhyme is in one of her moods. I swear, she's worse than Malfoy with his hair products!"

Hermione left the room and counted down in her head. Three.... Two.... One.

"Hey wait a minute!" Draco called exiting the room after her and following her up the stairs, "I do not get moody with my hair!"

"And I don't have a kid," Hermione replied sarcastically turning the corner with him following.

"That's a false statement therefore you can't use it against my correct one," He whined.

"Aw, you sad you don't get your way?" Hermione asked whipping around quickly and facing him.

Draco just managed to catch himself before he fell on top of her, "Well of cour-- wait no." He replied, stumbling over his words at their close proximity.

"You're cute when your flustered," She laughed ruffling his hair before turning around and going to the door of her room.

"What?" Draco spluttered, "I am not flustered!"

"Call it what you what," Hermione shrugged feeling him stop behind her as she opened the door.

"If I was flustered I wouldn't do this," Draco said turning her to face him.

He cupped her face and pressed his lips against hers quickly, remaining when she kissed him back. Neither made any effort to break the moment until a voice sounded.

"Mummy, Layla said boys had cooties," A high pitched voice shrieked, "Mummy has cooties! Mummy has cooties!"

Both young adults spring apart with pink cheeks. Hermione looked down at her daughter gaping. She had forgetton about opening the door.

"Um, Malfoy had a cootie shot?" She said in more of a questioning way.

"Oh okay," Rhyme smiled sitting back down and resuming her playing with her dolls, "You can kiss Dwaco then."

Hermione went a deep scarlet and Draco's jaw dropped. Rhyme looked up innocently at them with a grin. In that moment Draco was almost 100% positive that Rhyme would be in Slytherin or Ravenclaw at the least.

"Okay, uh, I'm just gonna go then," Draco coughed awkwardly, "See you later."

He all but sprinted from the room. Hermione sighed and closed the door before sitting next to her daughter. Rhyme played with her dolls, not making any noise. After awhile the six year old spoke without looking at her mother.

"Do you love Dwaco?" She asked.

"What?" Hermione exclaimed snapping her head down to look at the girl.

"Uncle Theo said that when a princess finds her prince and they love each other, they always have a magical kiss," Rhyme explained looking up.

Hermione let out a deep sigh, "I don't know, baby, I don't know."

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