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"Mummy, when are we going back to Romania?" Rhyme asked with wide eyes, staring up at her young mother.

Hermione felt her heart break at the fear and need in her child's eyes. Two years ago Rhyme had been diagnosed with anxiety. She got freaked out over the smallest things, even though she was so young.

Hermione had first noticed when Rhyme would start having small tantrums when someyhing was moved out of place, but soon it had turn into panic attacks. Hermione had been so confused as to why her almost four year old daughter would find it hard to breathe when something big happened, or there was a change in how she knew things.

"Rhyme, sweetie, remember how I told you that we were going on an adventure? I told you that before we came, remember?" Hermione asked softly, kneeling down before the girl and taking her hands.

"Mhm," she hummed in response.

"Well our adventure is really big. We're not going back to Romania. We're staying here," Hermione spoke slowly.

It happened instantly. Rhyme ripped her hands from her mothers grasp, and worriedly fisted them. They were half way up, near her chest. Hers eyes widened and breathing pace quickened.

Hermione placed her hands on the girls shoulders, "Rhyme breathe. We're going to be okay. You'll have friends here. Remember Ginny talking about Teddy and Victorie? They'll be like your friends back in Romania."

"I wanna go home," she whispered, "Mummy I wanna go home."

Hermione let a single tear fall down her face, "Baby we are home. This is where we belong."

Rhyme shook her head and ran away, up the stairs. Hermione let a few more tears fall and stood up. She had wanted so badly to come back home, back to her family, that she hasn't thought about what it would do to her daughter. She didn't think this through.

"We should've just stayed in Romania," She whispered to herself.

A pair of arms wrapped around her waist and pulled her into them, "Its going to be okay," A voice she recognized whispered.

"Theo, I don't know what to do! I thought it would be better to come back but I was only thinking if myself!" Hermione cried turning to her cousin.

"Hey, calm down. Its for the best anyways. You'd have to bring her back at eleven to go to Hogwarts. Better earlier so she can get used to London," Theo reasoned.

Hermione groaned and flopped onto the couch. She gently rubbed her templed feeling a headache coming on. Theo sat next to her, waiting for her to speak.

"Maybe I should just, maybe we should just go back," Hermione finally said with defeat.

"Nuh uh. I waited five years for you to come back. I had to actually spend time with Blaise. Do you realize the torture in that? You've been gone long enough. Rhyme will be okay. Try having her make some friends."

"Teddy and Victorie?"

"And Dominique, Molly, and Roxanne. They're all about three right now, maybe four," Theo suggested.

Hermione's eyebrow furrowed in confusion. She quirked one in Theo's direction silently asking who those kids were. Theo's mouth made an 'o' before he chuckled.

"Right you don't know. Harry and Ginny are married. George married Angelina Johnson, apparently a Gryffindor Quidditch player from his year. Roxanne is their eldest. Bill and Fluer have a second daughter, Dominique and that Percy dude married a muggle named Audrey, I think I was, and have a daughter named Molly," He explained.

"Maybe," Hermione sighed, "Ginny did invite me to the Burrow tomorrow for their Weasley Wednesday. They all get together from early in the morning to late at night."

"I was invited!" Theo grinned bouncing in his seat, "Partly so I could force you to come and partly because why the hell not? Well those were Gin's words."

"Sounds like Ginny," Hermione laughed leaning her head on Theo's shoulder, "Thanks Theo."

"Anytime 'Mione. Now your phone is buzzing so you might want to check it."

Hermione groaned but removed the phone from her pocket. Her smile widened slightly when she saw the receivers name.

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