The Breakout

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June 9th 2005:

"Hell!" Blaise cursed loudly.

"What's wrong?" Daphne asked from where she was cuddling into him, playing with the ring on her finger.

"Read this," Blaise rushed handing her that mornings Daily Prophet.

He jumped out of the bed and threw a random shirt on. He grabbed a pair of jeans and changed out of his sleep shorts. Daphne suddenly gasped and sat up quickly.

"Blaise, this isnt good!"

"Trust me, I know. Why hasn't Potter called me yet? How did the Prophet know this before we did?" Blaise muttered stuffing his wand inside his pocket.

"What are we going to do?" Daphne asked quietly seeing the rage on her newly fiance's face.

"Not we. You're staying here. This is my job," Blaise stated while Daphne nodded, understanding his need to do this alone. "I gotta go bash some bastard's faces in."

"You cant kill them, honey," Daphne spoke soothingly placing a hand on his shoulder.

Blaise immediately relaxed into her touch. He pulled her close to him and breathed in her apple scent. Neither pulled away for a few minutes.

"Maybe not. But accidents happen all the time," Blaise whispered menacingly, "Let Mione know where I'm at. We were supposed to have lunch."

"Will do," Daphne nodded kissing his lips quickly, "Come back soon. The second the girls see this ring, we're in for it."

"I wouldn't have it any other way Mrs Soon-To-Be-Zabini," Blaise winked.

"I love you!" Daphne called as he left.

"Love you too, sweetie!" Blaise called back. He always had a soft spot when it came to Daphne.

. . . . .

"Hey Hermione!" Daphne smiled softly coming into the large sitting room.

"Hm? Oh, hi Daphne," Hermione waved, "Everything alright? You look tense."

"Well, um," Daphne released a heavy sign and sat opposite her, "Have you read the prophet—"

"Is that a ring!" Hermione exclaimed cutting her off.

She seized Daphne's left hand and looked at the ring finger. Sitting upon it was a silver ring with a large diamond and five smaller ones on each side.

"Yeah," Daphne mumbled smiling, "Blaise, he proposed last night."

"What? Oh my godric! That's awesome! Oh, we'll be sister in laws," Hermione cheered giving the girl a huge hug.

"We will," Daphne laughed, "Just wait until Theo hears. Salazar, he'll go crazy."

"True. Now, what did you want to tell me? Assuming it wasn't this?" Hermione asked.

"Right. Have you read the prophet today?" Daphne asked biting her lip and nervously wringing her fingers together.

"Not yet, why?"

"Um, there . . . there was an Azkaban breakout. A bunch of people escaped including a group who teamed up to kill a bunch of people the despised in their youth," Daphne whispered nervously.

"Wait, are you talking about McLaggen and his gang?" Hermione gasped.

"They escaped! And Blaise is going after them, but he's still so upset over what happened to your guy's parents," Daphne sobbed, "He was hell bent on sentencing them for life after the evidence was linked to your parents murders."

"No," Hermione whispered before syaing loudly, "No this isn't happening. He cant take them all on."

"What's not happening?" A deep and steady voice asked from the doorway.

Hermione turned around to face her now boyfriend and spoke quietly, "McLaggen and his gang escaped Azkaban."

Draco walked forward in quick strides. The moment hermione was in arms reach, he pulled her close to him. Hermione held on as if he were her life line.

"It's going to be okay," Draco promised.

"Um, what's going on?" Daphne asked, looking between the two, tears still in her eyes.

Hermione but her lip. After a minute she told Daphne about Rhyme's father and why she hadn't come home sooner for the fear of their safety.

"What if he knows? What if he comes here?" Hermione asked in a tone of voice that would fit a lost puppy.

"He wouldn't make it pass the threshold. You're safe here, Hermione," he said, "I promise."

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