Wizarding Primary School

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(Picture gone since storyline is changed. Sry.)

June 7th 2005

"I did it, I did it, I did it!" Theo screamed running into the room.

He picked Liv off the couch and started jumping up and down with her, squealing. He then turned around and picked up Hermione, spinning her around.

"Theo? What's got you so happy?" Pansy laughed when he started to tango with her.

"The Ministry is letting me run a daycare! They're turning a large area of space they don't need anymore into a place where Ministry workers can drop if their kids, go to work, and pick them up at the end of the day!" Theo exclaimed absolutely ecstatic.

"Theo that's great!" Hermione exclaimed.

"I know right, oh I also set you up on a blind date, but it so cool that I get to to run this daycare!" Theo said insanely fast that Hermione almost missed it.

"I'm sorry, what?" She repeated.

"Damn, you heard," Theo cursed, backing away as Hermine slowly inched closer.

"Theo," She said warningly, placing her hand on the pocket where she had stored her wand.

"Isetyouuponablinddate!" He exclaimed at top speed.

"What? Why?" Hermione demanded stamping her foot.

"Because you've been back nearly three months and have yet to interact socially with anyone outside this house and the burrow," Theo explained now cowering behind Pansy.

"I don't need a blind date!" Hermione stated folding her arms stubbornly.

"Well, too bad. He's expecting you to be at this fancy restaurant in three hours. Pansy, Liv, we have work to do!"

"But what about Rhyme? I can't just leave her," Hermione reasoned.

"I'll watch her. It'll be good for you to get out, live a little," Liv replied with a laugh, "Besides, you don't even know who it is. You might like him."

"Oh I bet she will," Theo nodded with a huge smirk.

"What is that supposed to mean?" Hermione asked skeptically.

"Don't worry your pretty little head. Now, Liv you're on hair. Pansy, makeup and accessories. I'll do outfit," Theo stated holding a finger in the air.

Hermione continued to protest, but in the end gave up. She allowed herself to be dragged into her room and sat in a chair.

Liv got to work immediately brushing through her hair and then braiding it up on each side to a pony tail with a few strands framing her face. Pansy applied a light coat if makeup to Hermione's face. A silver eye shadow, light eyeliner, blush, and a bright red lip gloss.

Theo meanwhile began rummaging through Hermione's closet. He had went on a shopping spree a few days prior and found clothes for everyone. He remembered a mint green dress he had bought and was searching for it.

After a few hours, mostly of convincing Hermione to wear an actual dress, they were done. Hermione gaped at her reflection in the mirror for a good ten minutes.

"Is that me?" She finally asked gingerly touching her face.

"Yes it is. Now no touching," Theo said lightly slapping her hand away from her hair, "My masterpiece shall not be ruined except for a snogging session."

"Theo!" Hermione exclaimed looking at him with a stern expression, "I'm not going to kiss some random dude."

"Don't worry, he's not random. If you two don't kiss at least once, then I will panic," Theo coaxed, slowly backing away when Hermione grabbed her wand.

"Let's just go and get this over with," She sighed.

"It'll be fun," Pansy promised giving Theo a 'you are explaining if you don't want me to kick your ass' look.

"Yes it will," Liv agreed straightening out Hermione's dress.

"I'll be back in ten minutes to take you there. Liv, Pans, make sure she doesn't run or worse," Theo pretended to violenty shudder, "Change into sweats! Pans, I still cannot believe you did that with Ernie Macillman. Shame on you."

"Go," The three commanded in unison.

Theo gave them a dramatic bow and wink before slipping out the door. Hermione sighed heavily and dropped into a chair. She was only there for a moment since her two friends shrieked about ruining her outfit before the date and pulled her out.

"It's a piece of clothing, not a famous piece of art," Hermione rolled her eyes with a grin, "So Pans, sweats on a date?"

"I slept in and woke up with two minutes to get to the place," She groaned, "Theo has never let it go since."

"You know, I'm surprised you all still live here," Hermione voiced. It had been nagging at her brain for awhile now.

"Not exactly," Pansy shrugged, "Greg has a wife, Tracey Davis, and they have a son. Cameron. He's only four, though. They don't live here. Greg was just staying while Tracey and Cameron visited Tracey's parents."

"And what about the rest of you?" Hermione asked.

"Draco and I are full time residents here," Liv declared, "Although it may change soon for me."

"Who's the lucky guy?" Hermione teased.

"You should know him. Terry Boot. Draco about had a heart attack, as muggles call it, when I told him we'd been together nearly a year!" Liv laughed, "It'll be our two year anniversary in a couple of days."

"And you?"

"Who needs guys?" Pansy asked shrugging with a smirk, "Besides, this way I can be the fun aunt to Liv and Draco's kids."

Hermione rolled her eyes, "Pansy the fun aunt, never would've thought. So Theo's obviously still here. Has he found a special guy yet?"

"Nott that we know," Pansy shook her head, "Daphne and Astoria live here as well.  Daphne and Blaise have been pretty close these past few months. I swear they are secretly together or something!"

"Aw," Hermione grinned.

"Yep. They are so cute to. I found them asleep on the couch the other day. From the looks of it they had been cuddling. Who would've thought Blaise Zabini would be one to cuddle?" Liv asked.

"Never would've thought. My brother, the cuddler," Hermione sighed checking the time, "Great. Five minutes until hell."

"It'll be fun," Liv promised.

"I hope you're right." Hermione replied as Theo came in and whisked her away.

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