Chapter 1

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I was sleeping peacefully until I heard a high-pitched scream that could have damaged my eardrums. I flinched and sat on my bed. "Skita!", I muttered. "You'll never catch me alive! NEVER!", the voice yelled. I started laughing, it was my brother Felix he was probably playing videogames and recording himself. I looked at my clock and saw that it was 6:00 AM. "What is he doing up so early?", I wondered.

I stoop up from my bed and walked out of my room, I was going to where my brother is. Even from my room I can hear his (manly) screams. He is currently in a room where it is located in the corner of the house and it is far from the other rooms. When I got there I pressed my ear against the door. "That's all the time we have for toady", he said. "But like and favorite if you enjoy. Hit subscribe to become a Bro today and I'll see you on the next video of whatever I make. Stay awesome, love you Bros. Byeeeee~"

That was the cue I knocked on the door, "Felix can I come in?"


As I entered the room I saw him sitting in front of the computer. His ash blonde hair was all messed up, its either he just woke up or he played a horror game...probably both. "What brings you here he asked?", he asked.

"Well I was sleeping peacefully... but then everything changed when the fire nation attacked. By fire nation I mean your scream, your very manly scream." Exaggeration runs in the family.

"So sorry man.", he said.

"Its okay I'm a morning person. You sir make a great alarm clock."

"Why, thank you. I'm very flattered." He put his hand on his chest and did a little bow.

I sat on a futon which was behind him. I observed the room it was painted white and there was a mirror behind his computer which covered the entire wall. Beside his futon was a black six-string and a black acoustic guitar. There were two shelves on the wall, one that contained his videogames and the other contained little figurines of his favorite characters.

"Why are you up so early?", I asked. He scratched his head. "Edgar kept licking my face for no apparent reason.", he said.

"How long were you awake?"

He thought for awhile. "Let's say around 4:20 AM...yeah.", he nodded looking pleased with himself. I giggled then he returned to his computer to edit the recorded video. We stayed silent for quite some time. I just kept interlacing my fingers repeatedly and I felt some pressure building up inside me.

Felix turned to me. "Hey you okay?", he asked. He might have been busy editing his video but since there was mirror behind his computer he probably kept looking at the mirror to check one me since my reflection was there.

I shrugged. "Yeah, a bit nervous actually."

"Why?", he asked, "is it about school?"


"Look I know you're nervous but you're a great person and an awesome sister. You'll do fine. Besides Erica is goes to same school you're going she'll be like your guide."

Back in Sweden Erica and I have been best friends since the 3rd grade. But she had to move to the U.K after we graduated from elementary. The two years in high school I felt lonely and I had a hard time making friends. When I found that my parents wanted me to move in with my brother ( for various good reasons ) I was really happy because he lives in the U.K! And that means I may have a chance to see Erica again and I did.

"And if someone tries to mess with you. They have to go trough the Pewds.", he ruffled my hair.

"Thanks bro.", I said. I looked at the clock and saw that an hour has already passed. 7:00 already? I thought. Felix noticed this and stood up. "We should get ready school will start soon.", he said. I nodded and stood up. He opened the door and we saw Edgar and Maya waiting for us. As soon as they saw us they tried climbing on us. I gave Maya a quick belly rub.

"You think I'm gonna forgive you after what you did.", Felix said while looking down at Edgar. Edgar who was still showing affection towards Felix, was clueless of what my brother was saying. We continued walking to the kitchen and our dogs followed along.

When we got to the kitchen we saw Marzia making breakfast. She turned around and saw us. "Good morning.", she said in her cute voice. "Good morning.", we greeted back.

We all sat down at the table and ate. My brother kept getting food straight from my plate. I took the bottle of ketchup and squirted some on my finger and started smearing it on his face. That's where our little food fight began. Marzia tried to stop us but she couldn't because she was laughing, eventually she joined the food fight and joined my side. Despite the fight, we still managed to eat. My brother lost and that's where I stood up.

"I should get ready now school starts at 9:00." , I said.

"Okay meet me down here after you're done.", my brother called out as I went up stairs.

"Got it."

I went to my room to get some clothes first. I took out a long-sleeved, blue blouse, jeans and black ankle boots. I put them on top of bed. I turned to my side and saw my Kiku Honda (Japan) plush. I hugged it and set it down aside. My brother bought it for me as a souvenir when he went to Japan for a gaming conference. He told me it reminded him of me since Japan is quiet, shy and needs time to adjust to other people. I went to the bathroom and took a bath and brushed my teeth. I went back to my room to get dressed. While I was dressing I couldn't help but look at my desk. On top of it was my desktop, headphones, mic and beside it was a video camera on stand. The desk had shelves attached to it, on the shelves were my videogames, books and figurines from Hetalia

Like my brother I am also a YouTuber. He goes by the name PewDiePie while mine is Arisu, which is Japanese for Alice, which is my name. I must say both of us are one of the most popular and most subscribed YouTubers. But unlike him I'm too shy to show my face so while I do my videos I cosplay. I have this video where I cosplayed as England and I was playing Ampu-Tea. Since I was (cosplaying) England I have to be a gentleman being calm and patient. But I started to loose my patience and I kept swearing like Iggy. Its currently my most viewed video. I think the video is ironic though, people commented that the video has to be the most British thing they have ever seen.

I brushed my ash blonde hair and let it fall on my shoulders. Wait I almost forgot something. I went to my dresser and picked up a small blue jewelry box. I opened it and pulled out my necklace, it was a silver cord and hanging from it was a metal crow feather. I had it ever since I was born it was given to me by my brother as a gift. The necklace is a really special thing for, its beautiful and mysterious it would even gleam in the dark. Whenever I would wear it I somehow feel protected like someone is watching over me, it makes me feel good inside.

I slipped on the necklace and I looked at the clock, 8:45. I grabbed my bag and went down stairs. Felix was sitting on the couch and was watching TV. "I'm ready.", I said. "Well let's get going.", he stood up and grabbed the key on the counter. We went in the driveway and went inside the gray Honda Civic and we were off to school.

So this my first fanfic and the first chapter lol but I won't be able to update the story that much because I'm only allowed to use the pc on weekends. Ve~ but I'll try my best and be patient :) I added poods cos I'm a bro and he would make an awesome brother hehe ^_^

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