Chapter 5

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   I could no longer feel my soft and warm bed. I opened my eyes and I was standing in wide hallway. The walls were painted white, floors were covered in black tiles, and chairs were aligned next to each other. A huge marble counter was occupying the center and it was separating the other part of the hall .Behind it was a woman wearing a white uniform and was reading and organizing files. I’m guessing that I’m in a hospital.

   I walked around to see if my suspicion was right. I saw doors with signs on top, Operationssal  ( Operating Room ), Mottagningsrum ( Consulting Room ), Intensivvård ( Intensive Care ) and many others. Yup, I’m in a hospital alright, not only that I’m also in Sweden!

   “Snälla, skynda!” ( Please, hurry! ) I heard fast wheels rolling on the tiled floor and a woman moaning in pain. I looked at where it was coming from. I saw a pregnant woman on a stretcher, beside her were two paramedics, a man, and a young boy heading towards my direction.

   “Håll ut lite längre, älskling.” ( Hold on a little longer, honey.) Said the man to calm the woman down. The woman’s hair covered half of her face and she was having a hard time breathing. I felt sorry for her, they passed by me and I followed them. I don’t know why but something in mind told me to follow them.

   We finally reached the delivery room. The woman was sent in by one of the paramedics. The man tried to go in but he was stopped by the other paramedic.

   “Låt mig i.” ( Please let me in. ) Said the man. The paramedic shook his head. “Jag är ledsen Mr Kjellberg. Det är sjukhusets policy. Du måste vänta tills din fru föder.” ( I’m sorry Mr. Kjellberg. Its hospital policy. You must wait until your wife gives birth. ) Then left.

   Wait, wait, Mr. Kjellberg? And don’t tell me that pregnant woman is my mom? Oh God why are you so stupid? Don’t you recognize your own family?

   My dad sat on a nearby bench and cursed. The young boy, Felix sat next to him.

   “Pappa mamma kommer att bli bra?” ( Dad, is mom going to be alright? ) My brother asked hopefully.

   Dad looked weary but he managed a smile. “Hon kommer att bli.” ( She will be. )

   I heard faint sounds of mom’s painful screams. She told me that she never had any difficulties when she was carrying me. Now I know that she only told me that to make me feel better. But its giving birth that we’re talking about! A woman’s life is on the line.

   I was thinking of going in because I was really worried. Let this be favor from dad. I tried opening the door but instead my hand just went trough it. Hory shet I’m a ghost! I went in the door and found my mother lying on a bed with her knees up and spread apart.

   I took a deep breath and walked over to her. I know its supposed to be cold in a hospital but beads of sweat were forming on her forehead and some started trickling down. “Hey, mom,”, I started to say, “I know you can’t hear me or see me cause I’m some sort of entity at the moment. I know you’re in severe pain but I just want to let you know that after this you’re going to have a wonderful daughter and… that’s all I guess. I wouldn’t want ruin the surprise.”

   No response, only pants. Of course. “Where is the fucking doctor?”, I said. “I don’t pay them to laze around and not help women who are about to pop out babies from their slidan.”

   After a few moments a doctor wearing a blue scrub and mask went in. All I could see from him were black hair and dark eyes. Just one? Aren’t there supposed to be like a few more doctors to assist each other? The doctor stood before her and apologized for his lateness. “This is not the time to apologize just help her already!”, I said.

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