Chapter 4

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   Alice’s P.O.V

   “I wonder who’s the new neighbor?”, my brother asked standing beside me while holding a soda can.

   “Or neighbors?”, I added.

   “Then the more the merrier.” he wrapped his arm around me. “Want to say hello to them?”

   “Nah.”, I replied.

    Felix connected his palm to his face and laughed softly, “Of course.” My mind went blank for a while I feel like I saw a ghost but no. My brother must  have noticed this. “What’s wrong?” I heard him but I didn’t answer I was focusing my vision on something, someone. A guy with dark blue hair with his back turned- Wait dark blue hair? Could it be… no it could be anyone.

   Oh hi there. Don’t mind me I’m just a random stranger who dyed his hair blue. Well like I said, the guy’s back was turned so I can’t see his face. Suddenly as if on cue he turned around and I almost chocked. Its him! Ciel Phantomhive! Remember blue hair, blue eyes, eye and a medical patch.

   Felix snapped his fingers. ”Earth to Alice, are you still there?” I regained my senses and faced him. “Bro can we go out and you know…”, I trailed off.

   He took a sip from his soda. “Greet them? I mean that’s the right thing to do but you just said you didn’t want to, what made you change your mind?” I looked back outside then back to my brother. “Just… let’s just be friendly okay.” My brother didn’t argue with me so we headed out. Ciel was sitting by the pavement and he seemed to be in deep thought.

   I slowly approached him because I didn’t want to startle him. ”Sup.”, I said. He jumped and screeched. I tried hard not to laugh but I couldn’t control it, I laughed loudly than I expected. God he sounded like Felix!

   I wiped my teary eyes, “I’m sorry.”

   He stood up, “Well you should be you gave me a heart attack!”

   I crossed my arms. “You’re overreacting plus my voice wasn’t even that loud. Anyways what are you doing here?

   “I was told that we are going to live in this house.” Ciel pointed to the house behind him.

   “By ‘we’ you mean you and your parents?”

   He hesitated, “Well not exactly.”

   “What do you mean?”

   He looked down at the ground. “When I was 10 our house was on fire… and I guess you know what happens next.”

   I let the realization sink in. “I’m sorry I asked.”

   “Don’t be.” He looked behind me. “Who’s that?”, he asked while pointing to Felix.

   Felix smiled and waved. “Hi.”

   “Oh that’s my brother Felix, Felix this is Ciel my new friend.”

   “Its nice to meet you, Ciel.”

   “Its nice to meet you too, Felix.”

   “No wonder you wanted to go out.”, Felix poked me on my cheek.

   I’m glad that my brother finally met my newly found guy friend. Let’s just hope that he won’t have any trust issues or else he’ll go on defense mode.

   “So Ciel are you staying with a relative?”, my brother asked.

   “No,”, Ciel said, “with a guardian.”                            

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