Chapter 6

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I checked the clock and saw that it was already 6 AM. At the back of my mind something was telling me to get up. But I still want to lay down and think about life. Really?

Meh , I don't want to go to school today.

But you just started your first day yesterday, why?

Too lazy.

Erica will be sad if you don't go.

Well she will but Ciel's with her so she won't be lonely.

Think about Sebastian.


You saw how those girls look at him all fangirling and crap. Are you just gonna lay down there and do nothing while they're trying to steal your man?

Are you turning me into a yandere?

Fine, have it your way, but don't come crying to me when he starts falling for someone-

FYI I'll be happy if he finds his perfect match.

Whatevs pece XXxxxxXxxX...

I finally got my myself to get up, and no not because of Sebastian! I just thought of Erica and I won't have an attendance, I'll miss some lessons, I won't know what kind of homework we have, blah blah blah. And I'll probably be loaded with a lot of shitty work after, right?

I did my daily routine eat, bathe, fabulize and rode in the car. While driving it was awkwardly silent in the car. I held up my necklace and images of my dream started flooding back.

Keep me away from demons, huh? Like something like those exist. I wonder what will happen if I don't wear it? I took off my necklace and stuffed it in one of my bag's pockets. Felix would always remind me to wear my necklace whenever I go out. Every time I would ask why he'd just smile at me and tell me it's a lucky charm.

Don't worry Felix I won't wear it just this once.

"Hey,", I called, "What did you mean by 'now I understand'.

"What?", my brother asked.

"When you met my teacher you were like,", I imitated his look from yesterday.

"Oh that it's because I know why you like him."

My face turned red. "I never said I liked him!


I rolled my eyes,"What about your conclusion?"

"He's pretty hot. He'd make a great Calvin Klein model or a male cover for Vouge."

"That's too much. Especially the Calvin Klein part how about a Ralph Lauren model, instead of boxer briefs he'd be wearing suits.

"A stripper then. No wait! He should've have been in that movie... what's that title... Magic Mike!", he laughed loudly. I elbowed him.


"I'm telling you if that sex god of a teacher you have were an actor he'd definitely be casted for that movie. He dosen't even have to do anything for the auditions one look at him will be like: you got the part bitch."

I just sighed and waited until we reached school. But deep inside I'm laughing. My brother and his crazy ideas. I just realized something, how did he know that movie? I decided to set aside that thought. Sex God of a Teacher. Oh God its stuck in my mind, dammit Felix!

Felix dropped me off and we said our goodbyes.


Erica, Ciel, and I were eating lunch together. We were seated at the far end away from people who would love to bother us.

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