Chapter 2

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We finally reached the school and Felix parked the car at the front. I opened the door and went out standing before me was the school. It looks like any average public school but this is so far the biggest I have seen. At the entrance and campus a lot of students are minding their own business. Girls putting on different layers make-up, this is a school not a Victoria’s Secret fashion show. A bunch of guys shaking cans of soda and opening it in front of a random person, real nice. Great, now I’m having a bad feeling about this school.

   “Alice!”, a familiar voice called. I smiled and turned to where it was coming from. A girl with black hair that went down her shoulders and tan skin came up to me. It was Erica my best friend, my guide, my bro! We hugged each other until we felt like we needed to breath. “Where have you been?”, I asked, “I haven’t seen you for 3 three weeks.” She scratched her head and smiled. “Well I was in Singapore since my mom works there I stayed there with her as a vacation.” We stayed there for awhile and talked, until my brother cleared his throat. “Well I should get going now.”, he said, “You’re gonna be alright since you have your guide.”, he pointed to Erica.“We better go now classes will start in 10 minutes.”, Erica informed. “Bye Felix.”, I said. We turned and walked off to the entrance. 

   “Don’t be a salad-“, Felix called.

   “Be the best goddamn broccoli you could ever be.”, Erica and I finished. And the three of us did a thumbs-up. And we continued walking as my brother drove away. If you have a problem just remember my brother’s words of wisdom they help a lot.

   We finally got in and we were walking along the hallway. I noticed the girls from earlier who were putting on make-up. They wore  girly dresses and accessories that perfectly went with their outfit. One of them came to me, she had wavy blonde hair, rose earrings and high heels.

   “Hello.”, she said sweetly, “I haven’t seen you here are you new?”

   “Well yes.”, I answered.

   She looked at me closer as if examining me from top to bottom then she made a disgusted face. She noticed my necklace and gripped the metal feather then pulled it. “Oh-my-God!”, she exclaimed, “What is this? What the hell are you wearing? You look some kind witch with that thing!


   “Hey, lay her off Anna.”, Erica cut in.

   Anna chuckled. “Well if it isn’t Erica. I thought you were in Singapore?

   Erica clenched her fist. “I was.”

   “Too bad, I thought you’d be better off in somewhere that’s like a thousand miles away within my reach. So I won’t be able to see that horrid face of yours. Come on girls”, she turned to the other girls, “All this stress is making me faint and these aren’t worth my time.” She gave me and Erica a cold glare before walking away.

   My mind couldn’t process what just happened all I could think of was: Kill it! Kill it with fire!

   “Who was that?” I asked. Erica sighed, “Anna Grace, the meanest girl in the whole school. She thinks she can have anything she wants just because she’s rich and beautiful. And she instantly hates someone just by looking at them!”

   “Javla helvete.” I cursed. Erica snickered, I taught her Swedish because she finds that language interesting and funny. “Still a potty mouth.”, she said. We continued wandering in the hallway, let’s just say Erica gave me a quick tour of the school, then the bell rang.

   “Hey let’s go.”, she said, I’ll show you more of the school later.”, then she ran off. I ran after her but there were just  too many people. “Hey Erica! Wait up!”, I called. I couldn’t find her. I think I’m lost, I thought. I looked around there was no sign of Erica. I kept walking and tried to ask questions but they would just ignore me and walk off. I accidently bumped into someone and books started to fall on the floor. I turned and gasped. “Herregud!” I’m so sorry here let me help.” I picked up the books and handed it over to the guy. He had navy blue hair, sapphire blue eyes but the right one was covered with a medical patch.

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