Chapter 7

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Felix looked astonished, like I have crossed the line. He walked up to me, I was expecting that he will finally snap ( for real ). I closed my eyes. Then I felt something tight wrapped around me. I opened my eyes and saw my brother hugging me.

"I-I'm sorry.", his voice cracked. "Did I scare you?"

I shook my head. I was scared, a little bit. The thought of him snapping while not playing video games terrifies me. All his worries for me are said through careful yet mildly reacting words, this is probably the worst minus the 'mildly'.

Felix, still higging me, looked me in the eye. His eyes were teary from holding back tears.

"You didn't have to cry.", I said.

He grinned, "Can't your brother have his moment? Trying to win an Oscar here and rub it on Leonardo's face."

"Drama queen. And poor Leo though."


"So about the necklace..."

He hesitated. Really? You mentioned that? Way to ruin the moment Ali.

He let go of me and patted me on my shoulder. "I'll tell it to you some other time, it's a long story and might just fall asleep while listening to me. How about you go upstairs now and fun with Erica."

I faintly smiled at him and went for the stairs. Don't worry, I already know the truth. Maybe not all of it. Maybe it's just the beginning and I still have a lot to find out.

When I reached the top I saw Erica waiting for me.

"What are you doing?", I asked, "Were you eavesdropping?"

"I'm sorry.", she said, "I know it's not my place but it sounded like you two were having an arguement. What happened?"

I gripped on my arm nervously, "It was nothing."

"You sure?"

I nodded and we went inside my room. I lended Erica a sleeping mat for her to sleep on, some pillows and a blanket. I laid down on my bed. I felt like sleeping already even though I haven't had dinner.

"Alice,", Erica called, "seriously, what happened? And what about your necklace?" I tensed when she mentioned that. I wasn't facing her, my back was turned to her. She sat on my bed, "I'm your friend, friends tell and help with their problems. Feel free to talk to me about it. But if it's a bit too... private, I'll understand."

I feel very lucky to have Erica around. She may seem like an escape mental patient when we're having too much fun and she gets judged for that, but they don't know who she really is. I'm very thankful.

"Thanks.", I said.

I heard a loud tapping sound from my window. Both of us had a mini heart attack.

"The hell was that?", Erica exclaimed.

"Slender man is out to get us! Help! Jokes."

There it was again, tap tap.

"Alright I'm gonna stop this once and for all, ", Erica said and she grabbed my Japan plush with both of her hands and raised him above her.

"What's this thing name again? Oh right... Japan I choose you!", she threw poor little Kiku at the window where the taps where coming from.

"Ah! Nihon! Why did you throw him?"

She laughed, "Well one must sacrifise for one's country... and he invented pokemon so it's a pun, right?"

"That was a gift from my fratello.", I started doing a sad Italian accent.

I went to the window to pick up my plushie. Ah.. he's okay. I looked outside the window but all I could see were dim street lights and half of the surroundings were pitch black. I slowly streched my arm out to reach the handle of the window.

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