Chapter 2 - Crystal Trouble

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Mabel ran up to the old man and said, "Hi Grunkle Stan. This is (Y/N), she has no place to stay so can she stay with us? We have space don't we?" Mabel begged him and eventually he gave in.

"Fine! Fine!" he shouted and walked over to you. "So, (Y/N). You are going to stay here with the twins but if you want you can not stay here. Just don't cause trouble for me."

"Okay. Fine by me."

"Call me Stan, and you need to work like the kids over there." he said and pointed at Dipper and Mabel. "But for other times you are free to do what you want. Got any problem? No. Good."

Stan walked away leaving the twins, Wendy, Soos and you alone.

"So what should we do now?"

"Don't know." Dipper answered.

*Knock knock*

"Coming!" Stan said and walked to the door and opened it, the twins and you followed and watched from afar. "What is it?"

"You are our lucky winner! You have won ten million dollars! We just need you to sign this." the man in suit said and handed Stan a paper document.

"Sure." Stan took it and signed it without a second thought, then gave it back to the man in suit. "Here."

Then the big ten million dollar check rips apart and reveals small boy with a baby blue suit and blonde hair.

"Is it just me or does he have a bad hair style?" you asked Dipper softly.

"That's not his only problem. He has a major love problem with Mabel. He wants her to be his queen or something." Dipper said rolling his eyes.

"He's Gideon Gleeful, and I hate him!" Mabel said with disgust.

You laughed at that.

"You've been tricked Stanford Pines!" Gideon shouted at Stan and told the papers. "The shack is mine at last!"

"Check again." Stan just said.

"What?" Gideon said and read the signature. "SUCK A LEMON LITTLE MAN!!!!!!!!"

"Ha! Sure fooled you. You think I was that stupid?" Stan said making Gideon walk into the forest angrily.

"I'll get my revenge Pines! You'll see!" Gideon shouted and walked into the shadows.

Stan just ignored and went back inside the shack.

You are later shown to the room that you would be staying which was the same room as the twins, you put down the bags and went down to see what the twins are doing.

Then you saw Dipper stomping up to his room and heard laughter from the gift shop, you followed Dipper into his room and sat on one bed which Dipper sat on another.

"What happened?" you asked nicely.

"Stan and Mabel are making fun of me because I'm shorter than Mabel." Dipper said as he looked through the book.

You pointed at the book Dipper was holding and asked, "What's that?"

"Oh, this. Well, I found it in the forest which was hidden. It's a journal that tells us about the weird things that have been going on in this town." Dipper explain and showed you pages of the book, then he went back to flipping through the pages and looks like he was finding something. "Found it! Wait, can you please keep this a secret for anyone but Mabel?"

"Sure thing." you simply answered.

With that he jumped off the bed and went outside, you followed him, he didn't say anything so you assume that he lets you, he was still reading his book, you took a peak and saw that he was following a map.

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