Chapter 22 - Problem with Siblings

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"(Y/N)! Yo! You're back!" Wendy said as you entered the front door. You smiled at her.

You entered the living room and saw Dipper trying to pull a sock puppet glued from his face, "Want some help?"

"No. I'll do it myself. It probably would hurt less." Dipper continued to pull again.

"If you say so." you sat down near the TV.

At the same time Stan walked in and saw the mess. "I am not going to even ask." and walked away with a pit cola.

~Time Skip to that night~

You are now in the twins' bedroom, Mabel is ready to sleep and Dipper still trying to figure out the password.

"Another wrong password!" Dipper complained.

"Don't stay up all night Dipper. Last time you got sleep deprived, you tried to eat your shirt." Mabel said sitting up with a puppet in her hand.

You looked at Dipper who is doing the exact same thing Mabel just said. "Isn't he doing the same thing now?" and Dipper spitted out.

"Just a few more tries." Dipper said as he rubbed his forehead.

"Let's go to the roof, we can work there." you said and got up from your spot.

"Wait, you're helping me?" Dipper asked and looked at you with amazement.

"No, (Y/N). You should sleep too. Dipper as well." Mabel protested.

"Oh, we'll just be up at the roof doing a few password solving. I'm sure it would take long." you said as you saw Dipper get off his bed and towards the door. "Besides, I could last longer than you without any sleep."

"Okay... well, goodnight..." Mabel said and went to sleep.

"Night." you said and turned off the lights then off to join Dipper on the roof.

When you got to the roof, Dipper was banging his fist on the keyboard. "Still no luck?"

"I hate you sound!" Dipper scolded at the computer and yawned.

"Um... Dipper?" you said louder.

"Oh (Y/N)! Sorry, didn't see you there." Dipper turned his head to face you.

"No, it's fine. You're frustrated. I get it." you said trying to calm Dipper down and sat beside him.

"There has to be some shortcut or clue." Dipper said as he rubbed his eyes. "Who would know about secret codes?"

Before you said anything, the wind picked up, leaves were flying along the wind. Both of you stood up and looked around. A spot light hit you and Dipper from behind and the two of you turned, Dipper screamed in shock.

Neon blue bricks gathered around the moon and formed a pyramid, a flash of bright light turned the blue pyramid into the triangle Bill and your surroundings in grayscale.

"I think I know a guy." Bill's voice echoed around.

"Bill Cipher..." you glared at him.

"Well, well, well." Bill said as he shrinked from his size and floated down while spinning his gold glowing cane with his hand. "You're awfully persistent Pine Tree. Hats off to you." Bill took off his top hat and the place turned, literally.

Dipper started tumbling to the sides while you took out your dagger to hold onto the roof, Bill place the top hat back on and the place returned to normal.

"You again!" Dipper pointed at Bill with one of his hands and the other hugging the laptop tightly.

"Did you miss me? Admit it you missed me." Bill said and poked the side of his eye, trying to make himself cute.

A Demon's Heart (Bill Cipher X Assassin Reader) [COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now