Chapter 12 - Accidental Discovery

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Yesterday was quite eventful for you, but the results were great. You manage to help the Pines family get their shack back for the fraud Gideon, Stan told you all the sleep since the day was... well, surprisingly adventurous.

Lucky the Pines haven't found out that you were actually a runaway assassin, not to mention a well trained professional one at the age of a 13 year old.

You would keep it a secret until someone backed you into a corner into revealing who you are or unless it was to help 'save' the ones who you learned to care for, you have done well so far to not get suspected in any sort of way.

Gideon didn't also didn't mess with your room while he has the shack in his hands as well, for that you are grateful.

Last night you spend it by lying on your bed while puting your hands behind your head and stare at the ceiling, you were not sure why you did what you did.

You have never felt like actually wanting to kill someone because of someone you cared for, it was in a way, weird, for you and it's something you aren't use to.

The next morning you woke up and did your daily routine before going up to the twins' shared room, you knocked on their door. "You guys awake?"

You heard footsteps slowly walking to the door and stopped, then it opened revealing a fully awake Mabel. "(Y/N)! Come on in! Dipper and I were just talking." Mabel moved aside for you to enter the room with her closing the door and following behind you.

You sat beside Dipper, "So how was your night?"

"Same as always." Dipper answered with a yawn. "But it's good to be back here."

"Yeah! I missed this place." Mabel cheered and sat on her bed answering you while swinging her legs beside her bed. You just smiled in return. Soon after it was time to start the day.

First off you and the others fixed the sign saying 'Mystery Shack', Wendy hammered the nails into the red wooden S letter with Dipper standing beside Wendy to hold it still.

Though when Dipper let go the S fell down again, you mentally facepalmed yourself.

The gift shop was earning tons of money, people were crowding the shop to, actually, buy those stuff.

There were even people wanting Stan to sign the items they brought, you sign and lowered your head, but smiled at the scene, you we're glad that everything has returned to normal.

Stan was earning more money, Soos was eating more snacks, Mabel is 'free' from Gideon though she wasn't his to begin with, Dipper is back to always reading the journal, Gideon is in the big house, and you? Well you're enjoying your time here.

Then came the moment every worker was waiting for, a break!

You are now in Dipper and Mabel's room, sitting on Dipper's bed while watching the twins unpack their suitcases.

Mabel was busy with posters and Dipper's busy with his stuff until the door opened.

"Hey Grunkle Stan!" Mabel greeted Stan while holding onto a poster on the wall.

"Ummm... you kiddos settling back okay?" Stan nervously asked behind the door.

"Yup" the twins answered.

"What about you, (Y/N)?"

"Huh? Me?" You pointed at yourself and surprised he would ask you as well, even though you're not one of his family members. He nodded. "I'm fine. Thanks again for letting me stay."

"Well, it was a bother at first but you proven to be quite helpful in times if need, and you're a great friend to the kids. You're 12 right?" Stan said, you moved to the table beside Dipper's bed to let Stan sit down beside his nephew.

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