Chapter 31 - The Gift To A Friend

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You woke up and got into your morning routine before going into the forest, you were back in your room, changing into your new clean clothes. You got your staff out and cleaned it, as you were cleaning it, you heard a knock on your door.

"Come on in, I'm awake." you said as you continue to clean your staff.

The door opened revealing the twins. "Morning (Y/N)!"


They walked in and sat down, Mabel next to you and Dipper in front of you on a chair.

"Hey, (Y/N)?" Dipper asked.


"About your staff, we've seen it a few times now." Dipper said, pointing at it.

"Ya, and sometimes it has a blade." Mabel said. "Like yesterday at the museum."

"Where did you get this?" Dipper asked you.

"Where did I get this." you repeated what they asked you and looked at your staff. "I got it from my father, he loves to give me these type of things for my birthday."



"I guess it is pretty cool." you said as you finished cleaning the staff and checked it's shininess. "I do like this weap- I mean, birthday gift."

"Weap?" the twins said in confusion while tilting their heads to the side.

"Oh it was nothing. Just slip you know?" you quickly replied, wanting them to drop the topic. Then you placed the staff to the side and asked. "Anyway, is this the reasoning why you're here this morning?"

"Huh? Oh no. Not exactly." Dipper said while looking to the side with a slight blush on his cheek.

"We are actually here to tell you something." Mabel added as she moved to her twin's side.

"Did they figure out my identity so quickly? Are they here to kick me out then? Well guess that's to be seen coming in my way..." you sighed and looked at them for their continuation.

"Well, we are here today... to tell you..." Mabel said with absolute nervousness and looked at her twin brother for help.

"What Mabel is saying is that." Dipper paused and looked at you.

"We are very grateful for everything you have done for us! Thank you so very much for being here and being our friend." both of them shouted.

You blinked a few times and only could say, "Huh?"

"I mean like you're always there for us. No matter what." Mabel said.

"Like that time with the deed and the shack." Dipper said.

"Then the shapeshifter."

"Those mind erasers."

"The battle in Stan's mind with Bill."

"The zombies."

"Oh and of course, the first time when you are here." Mabel cheered and clapped at the memory.

"What about it?" you asked.

"Well, even though you just got here and all. You still helped us even though we didn't ask for it." Dipper said and chuckled at the thought of Gideon face with he was cornered by (Y/N).

"You risked so much to help us. So it's only fair that we thank you." Mabel said with the biggest smile you have ever seen.

"We have been wanting to take this off our chests by with all the trouble we got ourselves into, it has to wait until now." Dipper said and screeched the back of his head.

A Demon's Heart (Bill Cipher X Assassin Reader) [COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now