Chapter 27 - Author Found?

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You woke up and looked at your window, "Well, time for my morning walk." and you got out of bed and headed for the bathroom, you washed up and changed into (choice of clothes) then headed back to your room.

You opened your bag and looked at the weapons you backed from your collection of weapons at home, you remembered that you only picked the best and left the rest. Some doesn't even look like a weapon but is one due to its weight.

You zipped it back up and locked it, you don't want anyone finding out that you carried weapons. You checked your daggers in your hidden pockets to see if you needed to sharpen or switch them, but there was no need. You also brought along two yoyos, two specially custom made yoyos.

You made your way out of the shack and into the woods, you made sure that the key necklace Bill gave you yesterday. You smiled when your hand touched the key hanging from your neck. You walked straight to your newly made treehouse.

You stopped at the stairs and took a look at it, you were so happy to have one of these. You walked up and took your key from your neck, you put it into the keyhole and gently turn it. After hearing the clink sound, you opened the door to your treehouse.

Once you walked in, you found the room in grayscale. "Did you have a nice sleep?"

You grinned and closed the door, walking to the brown chair and sat down, watching the lying figure in the white chair. "Don't tell me you stayed here all night."

"Maybe I did. Maybe I didn't. Why? You worried?" Bill smirked and opened his eye, looking into your (eye colour) eyes.

You felt a slight blush and looked away, "No! You're a demon. Why would I need to worry about you? You're unkillable." then you thought for awhile and looked back at him. "You are right?"

"Correct my icy assassin." Bill said, then sat up. "Say..."


"Could we here...each morning...?" Bill said and looked away.

"Well sure why not? I mean, I always have my morning walks. So yeah, I'm cool with it." you said plainly.

"Great!" Bill cheered. You raised an eyebrow and stared at Bill. "Is there something wrong my Ice Queen?"

You stared a little at Bill's sitting figure before answering Bill, "No. Just that... You're acting all nice and stuff. What I heard and know is you being an evil dorito."

"Again with the dorito! Stop it!" Bill shouted.

"Then you stop calling me names!" you shouted back.

The two of you looked at each others with an angry face, then after a short moment, more like a few seconds, the two of you bursted into laughter. After a while of laughing, Bill stopped and so did you.

"Anyway, what I wanted to tell you is about today." Bill said and you switched to your serious mode.

"What? Are the twins going to fight another dangerous monster or something?" you joked.

"Not quite... More like a society of brainwashing people." Bill stated.

"Brainwashing huh? Man, this town gets weirder and weirder..." you said lying back. "Next thing would be those agents coming back..."

Bill stayed silent then stood up from his chair and walking towards the door. "Hey (Y/N)?" you responded with a hum. "Be...Be careful this time. Those people, they could erase your memories..."

You sat back up and stood up from your chair. You dashed in front of Bill and pinned him to the wooden door with a dagger at his neck. "Don't underestimate me... I know I've been out of practice but I can still do much harm if wanted or needed."

A Demon's Heart (Bill Cipher X Assassin Reader) [COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now