Chapter 30 - A Night Talk With a Demon

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The screen changed. The time showing is 'DAY 74', his clothes were messy and the background items were all either broken or drawn over.

"Today I came across a colony of little men, very disturbing. I would like to forget seeing this." and then he shoot himself with the gun.

The screen changed again, the time showing 'DAY 189'. He was missing a tooth and his arm was hurt, glasses were broken, hair lost, and clothings were just a sleeveless white shirt.

"I accidentally hit another car in town today, I feel terr-a-bile. Terrible. I've been forgetting words lately. I wonder if there are any negative side effects."

"So that's how he changed, no wonder. The gun erases the memories you don't want but when you use it too much it would affect your brain and other knowledge." your eyes were half closed, as a sign of you being bored. You didn't care much about what happens next, so you closed your eyes.

That was until you heard weird words, you immediately opened your eyes and stared at the screen.

There, McGucket was in a foggy place. Saying weird things and making weird hand gesture, you didn't understand any of them.

Though at the end, there was one you recognize, McGucket made a triangle with his two hand over his eyes.

"Bill! He has something to do with this! What happened when he was making a machine with the researcher must have something to do with Bill!"

The screen went gray and there was only silence in the room.

"Oh McGucket, I'm so sorry." Mabel said to him as he walked towards the screen, taking the memory and turning back towards the group.

"Aw hush. You kids help me get my memories back just like you said." he said with a smile as he looked at the memory in his hands.

"But did you want those memories back?" Mabel asked.

"After all these years, I finally know who I am. Maybe I messed up in the past but now that I've seen what happened I can begin to put myself back together again." McGucket placed his memory in his beard and did his hand gestures.

"Um, (Y/N)? What does that mean?" Dipper asked, and the others turned to you.

You signed and uncrossed your arms, translating with a smile looking at McGucket. "He says 'Thanks for opening my eyes.' You guys seriously need to learn more."

"In that case, welcomed." Mabel cheered.

"So wait, you weren't the author but you worked with him. Do you remember who he was?" Dipper got back to his reasons of helping McGucket.

"Classic Dipper Pines..." you thought as you shook your head side to side.

"It's beginning to come back but I need more time and," McGucket said and turned to glasses on the table.

"Reading glasses heck!" he placed it on and one of the lendes fell, then he spitted into a jar. "I got some remembering to do!"

"If you found out about anything, come and tell us." you said as you walked back to the group.

"So mabel, do you still want to erase those failed summer romances?" Wendy asked Mabel while holding the gun.

Mabel looked at McGucket and back at Wendy saying, "You know, no one likes having bad memories, but maybe it's better to remember the bad things you learn from them than to go all dile crazy trying to forget."

"Wow, when did you get so mature Mabel?" you asked.

"That's some mature junk you got there Mabel." Wendy said, patting Mabel's back.

A Demon's Heart (Bill Cipher X Assassin Reader) [COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now