Chapter 29 - The Grim Reaper

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"Run!" you shouted at them as you heard the people in robes coming. You jumped up again and stayed on the ceiling with the daggers.

You watched as Soos and Dipper ran away and Old Man McGucket hiding behind the statue. Dipper has the memory with him.

When the coast was clear, you fell down on your feet and looked towards the statue. "You can come out now." you said without any emotion.

Old Man McGucket came out of hiding, playing with his beard. "Well Old man? What are you going to do now?"

"This is all my fault. I really messed things up." he confessed.

"Good to know that you know what you have done." you said and started walking towards the door.

"Where are you going?" he asked as he followed you from behind.

You looked at him over your shoulder and said with a smirk, "We are going to save them, but first we would need some weapons. Or are you going to run and hide?"

"No! I'm done hiding. Let's go!" he said with determination and walked in front of you.

You grinned and got your staff ready, pressing a switch and out came a blade, making the once staff into a scythe. "Let's see just how dangerous they are..."

You stood guard as McGucket went to get the weapons needed, after getting the weapons you lead McGucket to the room where you know they would be held. You were right.

You saw the four tied to the brick pole with the robe people surrounding them, only thing different now was that their identities were known. You listened as Blind Ivan explain why their society was erasing minds.

"Blah, Blah, Blah." you thought as your hand did a mouth and 'talked' then making a weird face.

Things started getting serious when Ivan said he would erase their summer memories, you gave McGucket a signal and he nodded back. You were still watching in the shadows as he walked closer to the four.

They started confessing about whatever they didn't want others to know, you honestly found that interesting. You waited a little while longer until the gun was pointed at them, then you made your entrance.

You walked slowly as the blade was rubbing against the floor making sounds, your head was lowered, making the people unable to see your eyes only your mouth. "So there's a society that likes to erase people's mind without asking them... thinking that they did the right thing with that... I personally don't get a damn, but..."

You looked up and stared straight at Ivan. "If you erase my friends' memory and think you can get away with it, then you are sorely mistaken..." part of your bloodlust was released towards the robe people.

"A grim reaper!" you heard someone shouted.

"A grim reaper huh?" you asked and lifted the scythe. "I think I like the sound of that. Now, who wants to go first?" you asked with a smile on your face.

You can see the fear in their eyes, Ivan pointed the gun at you and you just stood there, as he was going to shoot, a pan knocked the gun out of his hand. You smiled and went to cut the ropes.

"(Y/N)! That was amazing." Mabel said.

"You weren't seriously like, going to kill or hurt them were you?" Dipper asked as he stood up.

"What? No of course not! I was just joking!" you laughed. "If he did hurt you, I would kill him in the most painful way... "

"Get them! We can't let them escape! They know too much!" Ivan shouted and the rest came at you.

"Go to McGucket, he has weapons. I'll hold them off." you said and pointed to a direction. You saw them nod then you dashed at them with your scythe in hand.

You only knocked them out, nothing life threatening. You saw the four of them joining the battle, then it suddenly became a battle of fighting for McGucket's memory.

You knocked out the people who was on their way in getting the memory.

Ivan got his hands on the gun and the memory and aimed it at Wendy, Soos and the twins.

Without thinking you went behind Ivan and placed your blade around his neck, he slowly turned his head towards you with fear.

You glared at him with widen eyes, your bloodlust was strong, your blade ready to kill.

"Want to see if you can press faster or me chopping your head faster?" you asked coldly.

Ivan dropped the gun and the memory, you moved the blade away and turned around, hitting him straight in the face. Him? He was knocked out of his mind. "That felt good."

"(Y/N)," Wendy said and you turned your head around to face her, "You are seriously the coolest person I have ever met."

"Yeah! That was seriously amazing! Dude." Soos said.

"I thought you were really going to kill him for a second there." Dipper chuckled.

You laughed along. "If he didn't drop those two things, I just may have killed him right then and there. Guess old habit die hard huh?"

Soos tied the people to the same pole they were tied, just as they started to wake up.

"Unhand us!" Ivan shouted.

"Isn't so fun being tied up now is it." Mabel said. Then Mabel took out a pen. "Hey, want to draw on their faces?" and she did. Crossing the 'KNOWLEDGE' and writing 'BUTTS'.

All of you laughed.

"That's not funny!" Ivan shouted after reading it.

"Oh it's funny." Dipper laughed.

"You just don't know a good joke." you laughed harder. By now your scythe was hidden again.

"We will have our revenge, we'll never forget what you've done." Ivan shouted in rage.

That gave you an idea and asked for the gun, which Dipper gave you. "Oh I think you will pretty much forget about it." you said as you typed in 'THE SOCIETY OF THE BLIND EYE' into the gun, then finally shooting the people in robes.

You waited in the room for them to return as they see the people of the forgotten society out the museum. After a while they returned and Dipper told you about Ivan's new name and job, while you ended up rolling on the floor laughing and crying tears of laughter.

You stopped laughing when you saw McGucket placing the memory tube to the TV. You stood back up and dusted the dust off of your clothes and leaned on the wall with hands crossed.

The screen showed a man with glasses and on the bottom left saying 'DAY 1'. The man started speaking, "My name is Fiddleford Hadron McGucket, and I wish to unsee what I have seen."

The four gasped.

"Sweet sarsaparilla." McGucket sweared.

"For the past year I have been working as an assistant for a visiting researcher, he has been cataloguing his findings about Gravity Falls in a series of journals. I helped him build a machine which he believed had the potential to benefit all of mankind but something went wrong."

"I decided to quit the project but I lie awake at night, haunted by the thoughts of what I've done I believe I have invented a machine that can permanently erase these memories from my mind." he told out the gun and typed something into it. Then pointing it to his brain. "Test subject one, Fiddleford."

Then the screen changed a little, the time showing 'DAY 5'. "It worked! I can't recall a thing."

The screen changed again, the time showing 'DAY 22'. The man was shown on screen holding a book with an eye in the middle and a cross over it in red. The other hand holding a red marker. "I call it the society of the blind eye. We will help those who want to forget by erasing their bad memories."

Author's Note: I know the title says 'Grim Reaper' but that doesn't mean that your assassin code name would be it, though I see that that code name is winning at the moment.

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