Chapter 28 - Finding What's Lost

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Old Man McGucket started screaming and flew himself the the floor behind him, pointing at the eye with a red cross, "I!... Robes!.... My mind!.....They did something!"

"Who did?" you and Dipper asked, Dipper shut the journal closed.

"I don't recall..." Old Man McGucket said as he rubbed his forehead.

"Oh you poor old man." Mabel said sadly. "No wonder your mind's all" and she did a thumbs down with her tongue sticking out. "You've been through something intense."

"Or what if his mind was erased because he learned too much?" you said your mind out.

"You're right! He learned something he wasn't supported to know and someone or something messed with his mind?" Dipper said. "We've got to get to the bottom of this."

"Think dude, what is the earliest thing you can remember?" Wendy said with hand gestures.

"This is, I think." Old Man McGucket took out a newspaper and showed it to the five of you.

You read through it quickly and said, "The museum! How about we start there."

"The history museum is where we'll start then!" Dipper declared.

Soos was driving the truck to the museum while there was some weird raping song playing, Wendy got annoyed and through it out the window, then Soos stared at Wendy and she promised to buy him a new one.

During the ride, you saw the two government guys standing at the sidewalks, watching your car as it drove by. "You have got to be kidding me... They're alive?! Wait, of course they are. I think they even came well prepared... like bullet proof vest under their clothes."

The six of you arrived at the Gravity Falls History Museum and got in from the window, you helped the up.

"You guys, look!" you pointed in a direction. "I saw someone there!"

"Hey! Who's there!" Dipper shouted as they followed you.

"Way to go Dipper, shout at the mysterious figure that appeared as you were investigating... outstanding..." you thought as you rolled your eyes.

You all arrived at a room full of things about eyes. You looked around and noticed them all looking at the same direction of at a certain thing in the room.

"It didn't make sense, where did he go?" Dipper questions as he looked around the room full of eyes.

"I feel like all these eyeballs are watching me..." Old Man McGucket said as he walked backwards.

You looked at him and said, "No, not you. Move to the side."

You found the object you were looking for and stood beside it, looking at Dipper, "May you do the honours?"

Dipper stepped up and pressed the triangle rock with an eye on it. "It reminds me of Bill actually..."

After Dipper pressed it, the fireplace shifted to the side and revealed a secret passageway.

"Jackpot!" Wendy cheered.

"A Secret passageway!" Dipper said in amazement.

"We have to be stealthy. I'll handbone a message if there's trouble." Old Man McGucket said and started to doing weird hand gestures.

Apart from you and Old Man McGucket, the others stared at him, with their face saying "I have no idea what that means..."

"He said that the coyotes are coming for our sweetbreads." you translated.

A Demon's Heart (Bill Cipher X Assassin Reader) [COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now