Chapter 8 - Things Are Going Down Hill...

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You got into the house of the address Soos gave you a while ago before your 'chat' with Bill and your little outburst, you knock through the door but no one answered.

You then noticed a window unlocked so you went in through there, when you got in you found the Pines family, Soos and an old lady who you assume is Soos' grandma asleep in different spots of the room.

You careful moved around so you wouldn't wake any of them up as they would total scream or shout or do something that would cause harm, as you weren't with them before entering the house or any of them letting in the house.

You sat in the corner and hugged your knees, you placed your head on your arms and closed your eyes, letting the darkness surround you.

It wasn't long until you heard a high pitch girlish scream in the room, your head bolted upwards and look around to first the source.

There was moonlight shining through the window you came in so you saw a figure sitting on the couch with another larger figure which you can tell by the size is Soos. The figure sitting upwards was Dipper Pines.

"What's wrong?" you asked giving him a tired look and a yawn.

"(Y/N)? You're here? How did you get in without us unlocking the door." you can see Dipper shocked by your voice but can't see you, his head kept looking around the room.

You let out a sign and stood up, "I did knock a few times, but no one answered. Then I found one of the windows unlocked so I just got in from there." you said as you walk and stopped next to him. "So, now my question. What's wrong?"

"Oh. I think it was a nightmare." you raised an eyebrow and stare at him. "I dreamt that Gideon stole the deed to the shack then chased us all out and now Soos is letting us stay at his grandma's house." Dipper laughed nervously.

"That's not a dream... I would say it's a flashback of what actually happened to us."

"So it really happened huh..."

"Ya... I should've taken back the deed right there... but I didn't... I'm sorry..." you said looking down at the floor.

"It's not your fault... you wouldn't have known that Gideon has another plan, we'll get the shack back."

"That's right dudes!" the figure beside Dipper said and sat up. "That shack is also my home. Well, sort of... but I don't want that kid having it!" then a light of a lamp lit up, lighting the whole room. Now everyone else was awake.

"(Y/N)! You're here!"

"Oh, hiya kid."


"Sorry." Dipper and you said. An old lady was the one who told you guys to be quiet and then turned on the TV.

"Soos, you're grandma is so cute." Mabel said and played with... her face... ya...

"The news is finally out!" Stan said.

"In the news that moved all of Gravity Falls buzzing, child psychic Gideon Gleeful has taken surprised ownership of the Mystery Shack, previously belonging to the area shyster Stanford Pines." the female news report said while the TV screened pictures and photos of what she is talking about, then a picture of Stan in a devil costume showed up.

"That picture is taken out of context..." but that wasn't what you noticed, being an assassin, you could be the skills necessary to access a lot of different information.

When you were young and being sent to go do your 'jobs', you mostly travel around the place, and once to Gravity Falls for getting some food or was it a job, during that time you have heard of someone by the name of Stanford died due to a car crush but paid no thoughts to it.

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