Chapter 34 - Wendy's Invitation

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You woke up, slowly opening your eyes, adjusting to the light in the room. You sat up, then walked past the three-sided mirror, you noticed a note on it. You took the note and read it out loud in your mind.

"Morning Snowflake,"

"I swear, even when writing a note!" you shouted.

"Then you probably made a fuss over the nickname on a note."

"You know me all too well..." you said as your left eye twitched from the sentence.

"Back to business, the reason for this note is to tell you to NOT go to the treehouse this fine morning."

"Oh is that all... why the heck can't I go to my own treehouse?!" you asked no one in particular, then you saw something at the back of the paper.

"P.S. You look cute when you're asleep. ~Bill Cipher~"

"That's it, I am going to give him a beating when I see that stupid dorito!" you squeezed the paper into a ball and threw it into the bin.

You walked into the bathroom and did what you do every morning.

After you came out, you heard a knock on the door. "Come in."

"Good morning (Y/N)." Dipper greeted you as he walked in.

"Morning to you too Dipper." you said back, "So how can I help you?"

"Well, Mabel and I are about to go meet up with Wendy's friend at the cemetery. Wendy is driving us there, you want to come with?" Dipper asked as he played with his fingers.

"Why do you ask?"

"I mean yesterday we didn't exactly spend some time together, so... we wanted to spend more time together." Dipper nervously answered. "I mean if you don't want to..."

"No no no, I didn't mean it that way." you quickly responded. "I'll come with. I'll meet you there."

"Sure thing." Dipper said and walked to the door then stopped. "You do know where the cemetery is right?"

"Yup, I found it once when I was randomly walking around." you answered with a smile. "Don't worry about me."

"If you say so," Dipper said. "We'll see you there then."

"See you later." you waved as Dipper closed the door.

~Time Skip~

You got to the cemetery earlier than Dipper, you found four teenagers playing around. "Guess they are Wendy's friends."

You hopped from tombstone to tombstone as you saw Dipper, Mabel and Wendy approach the four teenagers. You silently sneaked behind the group and said, "Boo."

They all screamed and jumped, while you laugh your head off.

"Don't scare us like that!!!" they all shouted back at you as soon as they know it was you.

"Sorry," you laughed hugging yourself. "It was like you were asking for a scare!"

"Okay so I guess you haven't met my friends." Wendy said as she gestured to the four teens you saw before.

"Oh I think I met one of them," you said and placed a finger on your chin and tilted your head a little. "Roobie was it? He was the one wearing a hood in black. The one with a crush, Wendy."

"Oh ya him, don't worry about him. We broke up." Wendy said and you nodded, meaning the end of that topic. "So let me introduce."

~Time Skip~

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