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"You ain't never heard that ain't shit worse than a woman's scorn."


"Mom could you please stop yelling in my damn ear?" Gold held Geniese in her arms, sliding her in her crib because she had fallen asleep from a nap while Gold was folding laundry. Gold held the phone in her hand now exiting out the bedroom, and making during to leave a crack in the door. "And repeat what you said please?"

"I said you need to stop letting that man walk all over you."

Gold rolled her eyes. Her mom hated Tunchi and honestly she understood why. Her mother was really protective over her daughter and she witnessed Tunchi break her heart plenty of times in the last years that they had been together. "Mom we're fine. I promise you."

"Yeah you keep telling yourself that. When a man ain't never home, he out there doing something he ain't got no business doing. Now you called me and asked me for advice and I'm giving it to you, baby trust me I know. Your father had another girlfriend, and I left his ass. And I don't want you to go through the same things I went through, but baby when that man ain't in them streets he with another woman."

Gold bit down her lip, looking at Tunchi's phone that sat in front of her. She was contemplating if she should go through it. She really leaned on her mothers opinion since her mother and her were so close. She relied on her mothers opinion and used it.

"Okay momma."

"I love you baby. I do, but you gotta check everything that he is doing. His phone, his messages, his mileage, if you have the slightest bit of insecurity that he is cheating because most likely your intuition is telling you exactly what is really happening. A woman's intuition is powerful baby."

  "Okay momma. Let me call you right back okay?"

"Okay baby. I love you. Call me tomorrow and bring my baby over, mmkay?" Her mother questioned. "I will, momma. Love you too, bye."

"Bye baby," her mother spoke before she hung up.

She sat there rubbing her hands on her tights, trying to see what her next move would be because she didn't know if going through his phone was the right call that she was making. She trusted Tunchi, she did. But their had always been reasons to not trust him, was it worth it?

She had knew Tunchi since she stayed in the broken home with her single mother that was looking for scraps to take care and provide food to her five children. Her mother was one of the strongest people she knew, but because her and her siblings grew up the way they did they always did bad things like stealing from stores and simply being a thief. She didn't get to finish school because she had to work. Her teenage life was taken from her until she met Tunchi and he gave her life. Not like God, but he gave her some happiness.

She loved Tunchi, but maybe this was a sign. After careful thought, she picked up the phone just as it started to buzz with Devin calling. She ignored the call, realizing that Tunchi was looking for his phone. She would call back after she looked through his phone. She checked through his text messages, and they were all clean. She checked through his photos and found them clean too despite the nude pictures of her inside of the photo album. She smiled, she knew that she had nothing to be worried about. She leaned her body back on the couch, exhaling as of a weight of insecurity had been lifted from her shoulders.

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