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"This woman is unfitt for a child on several circumstances, she use to be a stripper, she had at least five abortions in highschool so what's to say that this lady is capable of keeping a child. She isn't.

She doesn't even have a real job, how will she take care of this little girl? She's ten years old, she needs to go to school with supplies and clothes. She needs her mother around 24/7. She needs to be in a stable home and she already has that with her adopted parents.

Who would take their little girl away from that, huh? Who would want to see a little girl shed tears because you take her away from the parents she had known her whole ten years of life? That's all I have to say," said the lawyer going back around the desk and sitting with his clients. While the other lawyer, known as the best lawyer in the state of Florida stood up and took flight.

"I would like to clear some things up before I start: My client is not a stripper anymore she is working at a salon, just to get her child back. Now I will begin.

My client has suffered long and hard and so has her child that rightfully belongs to her. While she was a stripper, she went to go see that child everyday growing up until at the age of twenty five when she told them she was going to file for all rights of her child, but she still told them they may see her.

After a couple of months of calling and trying to see her child that she had grew a special bond with, they denied her. They denied her access to see her child. Two words: unfair and cruel.

I have results of the child crying back and forth to see my client, who she knew as her real mother, but she was told no after countless times even when she stopped stripping. It's wrong, it's dead wrong for someone to tell their child 'no' just because of their own feeling. It is dead wrong. Who would want to see their child put in a place like that? Who would want to see their child suffer? I know I don't, but it's not my decision. It's yours," he said going closer to the jury.

"But I know if it was my child in this situation I would want her to be happy and myself to be happy for her and with that I would like to say, this is not a win or lose. This is a chance for a little girl to go back to her mother," And with that the lawyer went to go sit back down next to his client.

After a long and hard twenty minutes, a room full of tension, the judge and the jury had come up with a decision that could make one of the clients and break another.

"May you rise," the young woman rised and so did the adopted mother and father.

"Mr. And Mrs. Clarkson, we--

The young woman fidgeted with her fingers as the Jude said the adopted parents name who had been watching over her child. She felt bad but at the same time she didn't because se told them she was coming after her child when she got her life together and it is.

She was now working at a salon being a nail technician and even though it wasn't the same as being a stripper, she still had some money in the bank from stripping. She was just hoping it was just enough to get he child back.

But when she heard those words she started to lose faith.

"Mr. And Mrs. Clark we are sorry to have to break your home, but Tatiyana Willis now has full custody of Tiarra Tati Willis."

That was Tatiyana's goal the whole time. She just wanted her child back. She might have went through a bunch of shit that wasn't right and might've talked a bunch of shit as well, but nobody knew what she was feeling in the the inside: lonely and nasty. Until one day in that strip club she thought about a better day, a better change for herself.

At the age of twenty five to twenty six she started a goal to get her child back, she never gave up even though it was hard, and in the end she got her back. That's all that mattered.

Tatiyana smiled for real for once not thinking about all she had been through to make thing sad, all she could think about was happy things and how she was happy.

She was glad she overcame.

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