chapter 3

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"Mane come on before somebody see us" I said holding the other end of the flat screen TV.


"My bad cuz, this bad little bitch was texting me, want me to slide thru tonight". He said finally picking up the other end of the TV.

"Ohh shit somebody pulling up" Quaffy said as I was closing the trunk. I was getting kind of nervous and so was Quaffy.

Two old women starting walking up.

The women:

Hello, could we take 10 minutes of your time to spread the word of Jehovah?


Sorry ladies, were very busy see we work with the public service water company, direct tv, and the home insurance company. It's a lot of work around this time around this year.

The women:

Oh okay, glad to see two young boys working hard. Well here take this she gave both of us 50$ and a Jehovah pamphlet and started to leave.


"I ain't gone lie, you a fool for this one". I said laughing.

We got inside the car and went on the block and split half of the money we earned from the TV.


Ya ass was scared af.


Scared when?


When them old ladies pulled up


Yea because I didn't wanna kill nobody today.

Pow. Pow. pow

We started running with everyone else. It was just another drill around here. We started hearing sirens. Me and Quaffy ran through Oaks Bridge Housing. I was tired of living this lifestyle honestly, dumbass shoot outs and from 12.

Me and Quaffy caught our breath and started heading back to the block.


It's too hot fo this shit cuz


Honestly foo, aye let's stop bye Quicks, all that running gotta nigga hungry.


Me too, my stomach in my back.


We went to Quicks and ordered are food, me and Quaffy sat waiting or food. The bell on the door alerted my attention. My eyes sparked up I seen the same the girl from my birthday kickback.

"remember you said next time I seen you was gone give me ya number, destiny's fate or some shit, and you haven't dm'd me back?"


"yea I remember" she said blushing.

Here she said giving me her phone and reaching for mine. We exchanged numbers.


What you know about Quicks anyways?

Her friend budded in "Her fat ass love eating here". I started laughing.


"Keairra shut the fuck up for once" she said getting embarrassed.


we started talking, we have a lot in common she told me how she sings, and I told her how I rap and sing too. We sat and our food at Quicks. I was really feeing this girl a lot.


"Well nice seeing you again". She said getting up.


"Why you always gotta leave" I asked pulling her into my lap.


"She need to get some dick". Her friend said rolling her eyes.

Amber got up for real this time leaving. And her friend following.


She bad cuz and ha friend too.


Yea I know, I gotta have her.

We left going our separate ways. I decided to go home I didn't feel like making plays tonight.

"TyQuain is that you boy"?

"yea ma" I replied.

"bring ya ass in here right fucking now" "why the hell haven't you been in school, huh"

"how imma feed niyah ma?"

"that's not a good enough excuse boy, I work my ass to provide for yall, and you having these white bitches coming to my job questioning me about ya black ass not going to school." She said reclining the foot of the chair out"

I went to my room and took everything off except for my Ralph Lauren boxers. I went and checked my phone to see I had a texted from Amber.

Amber💙: never gave a nigga my number and he didn't use it🙄

I decided to facetime her she answered on the last ring.


Why tf it took you so long to answer I said getting a little aggravated.


first off you don't speak to me like that and you can't just facetime a bitch this late with out arranging it first tf.


"Yea ya ass probably look like a cockroach with that bonnet on huh". I joked.

"Yea whatever" she replied.

We end up falling asleep on facetime.

We end up falling asleep on facetime

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@trini.gyal: good morning 😘

@quando_rondo: fineass 💙

@keairra.chy: @quando_rondo👀

@paperlovve: dm me😍

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