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"Stahp.....stop that bus....I m back here...wait....somebody stop the bus... Ria... Ria.....stop....plzz don't leave me here...plz.....stop........" I screemed.

Just then I saw that guy in the door of the bus...the one I saved. He put out his hand and said "grab my hand...fast" I think he had a slight smile on his face...
It was like a DDLJ (movie) scene.
I grabbed his hand and he pulled me in. I was saved..

"Thanks" I said panting.
"I guess you me owe me one" he said with a smirk.

Aaaarh....that smirk.....wow!!
No no no....control your thoughts Vedha...

"No. Its equal now." I said keeping a blank face.

"Ohk... By the way, I am Sumedh Mudgalkar...How you doing?." he said smiling.(😍)

OMG!! He said how u doing in Joey's accent (from FRIENDS Series)

"Hi.... I am Vedha Rao. How you doin'?" I think i said it in a better way.
We shook hands but It was so wierd...his touch..his hands...

We both look back only to see his frnd and Ria talking. They were both talking with soo much interest.
Soo much interest in talking that she even forgot about her bestie....she forgot that I was left behind. 😑

    Sumedh's POV

It was such a bad start for the day. First of all I didn't want to come, but I have no choice plus I have my buddy with me so idc. I hate family trips....I mean nobody loves me then why show off??

Even today my parents created a scene on the bus stop.
They wanted me to sit with them...the whole time..but I wanted to sit with Siddharth. He never has a problem sitting and enjoying with my parents....they love him like their second son....but not me...
I told mom no....maybe I was being rude...idk..but that's how I am... I wanted to go home, so I thought of getting a taxi and going right away. Nobody wants me in this trip anyways.

Suddenly someone pulled me back. We hit hard on ground. I swear I was going to beat up this person for this.

But as I opened my eyes...what an awkwardly cute sight it was!
It was a girl...I mean....means...it was the first time I saw a girl from this close. Ugh...get up Sumedh...what r u doing? But I can't..don't know why.

She opened her eyes.
Her soft brown eyes were sparkling in the early sun rays which made their way through the little gap we had in between. We were staring in each others eyes for few seconds then she suddenly pushed me back. Ouch!

My parents came running and started asking me questions....but I ignored them... I just told them i was fine.
A girl came behind her..maybe her frnd. I was trying to ignore them bcoz I wanted to go away...but now I can't. My plan failed, even Sid is with me now there's no chance of running away.

I went into the bus with Sid.
But I hear someone shouting.
Stop the bus..wait...
It was her....again...but this time I saved her. We introduced ourselves and looked back to see Sid and a girl talking. I saw Vedha smirking. Maybe she's thinking something else.
As we were going back, a girl stood in between.. She was pretty I must say, but she is not moving at all. Atlast she did but as we moved forward, I heard them giggling.. Whatever.... I chose to ignore them.

I saw Sid and winked at him.
He saw me and winked.
We both nodded a no.

And then we I realized that the girls were staring at our faces. Well I liked the way they were confused. They said nothing but Vedha rushed to the  window seat. Oh noo man.... I love sitting in the window seat...but..but....nevermind.

Vedha and the other girl hi-five'd each other. They were soo happy just by sitting there... They were smiling so bright like small kids.. I was looking for some other seats for me and Sid, but the bus was full....we had no option but to seat here only..

We both sat down...husshh...Atlast...I hope this trip is not this much tiring all the way. I am already not interested and......

"Soo...um..I think you are Sumedh." My thoughts were cut by the girls' question.
"Uh...yeah.. My... Myself Sumedh Mudgalkar.. How do u know?"
"Your friend gave your intro when you both were standing near the bus door" she said with a naughty smile on her face.
"Oh really?? I thought you were busy talking with your new UN-introduced friend" Vedha spoke sarcastically.

Oh god......like really??
What's happening?
Plzz don't make us sit with girls..
I thought....while keeping a fake smile.

"Hi... I m Siddharth Nigam.. Nice to meet you."

"Hi... I'm Vedha Rao.."

"Hii I'm Ria Singh" she said smiling.

"And I am Sumedh Mudgalkar"

**after a few minutes of silence

Is nobody interested in this trip?? Are you all forced to be here cuz you all acting......awkward types...."
Vedha asked us dramatically..like keeping quite was a crime.

"Well... That's somewhat my condition right now" I said.

"You mean you're not interested in this trip?" Ria questioned.

"Yeah... I am here because of this lamppost" I kicked Sids' leg who was busy in his mobile.

"Haha...a lamppost....that's a cute nickname u got Sid" Vedha chuckled.

"No..no...its not lamppost....actually its nothing....I got no nickname" Sid said and again looking in the mobile.

"Awh...really?" I don't think soo" I was trying real hard not to burst out laughing for Sids' expression.

"Shut up Sumu...talk about something else..." he said by making a cute face.

"Something like what?" I asked in a duh tone.

"You can tell us about yourself" Ria said.

"Okay.. I am Sumedh... I live in Mumbai... I am a teenager....and...here I m with u guys in this boring trip"

"Boring trip and a boring intro....Waah!" Vedha spoke softly...but I still heard her as she is seating next to me.

"Oh yeah?? Then tell us about your interesting story" I mocked her..

"That's the problem mate.
My life has got soo bored these days....there's nothing I can tell u guys.. And that's the exact reason why I'm in this trip....hoping it would b exciting...but its not" Vedha shrugged.

She's what.....a pirate?? She's already talking like I'm her childhood buddy.

"Let's make it interesting then.... Look here guys" Sid said
He was holding his mobile up and we took some selfies....actually a lots of selfies...

"Tell me a caption for our group selfie...fast!" Sid asked...

"#New Besties" I suggested..

"Will do" sid said grinning.

Vedha asked raising her brows..

I replied firmly..looking eye to eye
"Yeah....... Besties"

How's it guys??

I hope u all love it...plzz keep reading forward... I'm gonna try my best to make it more interesting.

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