They're Changed

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Vedha was sitting with her back resting at a tree. She was continuosly crying. The awful sight had made her condition worse.

She looked at her watch the third time, 2:48 p.m.
"This is all my fault. I should've stopped everyone  I had the chance. I knew this was wrong....whyy??" Vedha accused herself.

She looked up at the bodies and cried more loudly. Suddenly the Ria's body started shaking and then moving in circles. Vedha was shocked to see this. Slowly Sid and Sumedh's body also started to move in circles.
The bodies were rotating at speed.
Vedha was not understanding what to do, she got up and walked towards them and tried holding the body of Sid, but she failed miserably as they were at height.

The bodies stopped moving in a jerk. This made her more confused. She looked up and saw that Sumedh's eyes were open and staring at her. Vedha shrieked and fell on the ground and started moving backwards. Even Ria and Sid opened their eyes and stared at her. Their white eyes were not closing and were locked on Vedha.

"What the hell?"

Before she got up, the bodies fell down. She started dragged her body towards them, but paused from a little distance. First, she was not able to see the bodies and second, a part of her was terrified.
Still she went more closer only to see that their bodies were missing.

Vedha's mouth hung open as she was scanning the place.
Some strange noise caught her attention and she turned her head to the left.

Sumedh's pale face was staring at her from few inches apart.
He was sitting with crossed legs, curled up in a ball.
The same clothes he was wearing were all torn and dusty. His hands, soo weak and thin. His face was pale, lips purple, blood streaming down his forehead and instead of those glittering green orbs there were two plain white eyes.

Even after seeing him like this, Vedha didn't move a bit. The constant pain was a reminder that this was not a dream nor any hallucination.

"Sumedh?" she whispered, even though it was somewhat useless.

Sumedh started talking something in a weird language and a different voice. He was talking in speed, more like chanting something.

"Sumedh." Vedha said, this time firmly.

"You will die. You will die. You will die. You will die. You will die." Sumedh muttered.

"What?" Vedha asked.

He paused.

His purple lips curved a big smile.
A cunning smile.

Sumedh shouted at her,
"You're all going to die. I will kill you all.
I'm going to take away your souls. Hahaha!"

Vedha got anxious and got up. Sumedh was still laughing very loudly. She turned back to her but Ria was standing right behind her. Looking same like Sumedh and smiling. Sid was standing at a distance to her right,smiling.

Vedha shook her head and started running in a direction which she knew was wrong, but had no choice. She felt that her 'besties' are following her.

"You can't run away from me!"
The three of them screamed together .

Vedha increased her speed. Blood was oozing from her leg but she still ran, not looking back even once.

After running for a few minutes she stopped. And peeked behind her and saw Sid, Sumedh and Ria floating in air.

She again started running but suddenly fell down in a hole. Vedha screamed in pain and got up. She stepped a little back from where she fell and looked at her right and left and realized that it was a tunnel.

In a flash, Sumedh jumped in the hole. Vedha started moving backwards as Sumedh started walking towards her. It was pitch black behind her and in front there stood Sumedh.

He got more closer and grabbed Vedha's neck. She tried her best to free herself from his clutches but he chocked her with more force.

"I will kill you like I killed them."
Sumedh's voice rose as he tried to kill her.

She scratched near his eyes, which loosened his grip from her neck,she pushed him back and started running.
She kept running and saw little bright hole far away from her, means it was the end of the tunnel.

As she was getting closer and closer towards the end she could hear that same weird voice echoing. After hearing it Vedha limped faster. Now Vedha was able see because of the light coming from the end of the tunnel. She turned behind and saw that Sumedh was looking at her with an angry face.

He pounced on her, again to grasp her neck but before he could touch her again, Vedha jumped out of the tunnel.

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