Lashton - Lips like the galaxy's edge

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Lips like the galaxy's edge by Lazhton

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It starts off as a joke. Kind of.

They're on tour, all four of them in the back room, and Luke doesn't think he'll ever get used to the feeling of performing in front of so many people who are screaming their lyrics back at them, who are moving and dancing and singing - it's kind of the best feeling in the world. It's not their tour yet, but they're playing their songs, and it's an electric sensation, and it's close enough.

Luke, though, he always gets tired after performing. He builds up his nerves and then once on the stage he'll give it his all, and then as soon as he's off and back in the real world, he melts into Ashton and stays there for the rest of the night, curled up with his head buried into his chest. Tonight, apparently, Michael's not having it.

"Hemmings, we're on tour with a huge band, we're in a foreign country. It's eight'o'clock. Now is not the time for sleeping," his voice is overlayed with disgust, and Luke gives him the finger at a wonky angle as Ashton's fingertips splay out over his back, rubbing at the fabric of his shirt and stroking him soothingly.

"Don't listen to him, Lukey," Ashton says. Luke can hear the grin in his voice, and awaits the biting comment. "He's just jealous cause he's not getting laid."

Michael sniffs. "No I'm not. Of course, it would be appreciated if you two could keep it down when other people are trying to sleep, but-"

"It's young love," Calum interjects. "Let it blossom."

"Thank you, Cal."

"Excuse me," Michael says. "You're supposed to be on my side."

"Oh," Calum considers this momentarily. "Okay. Luke, get up. Ashton, stop - um, jizzing on Luke's innocence. Is that better?"

Michael nods his approval. "Much better."

Ashton rolls his eyes, leans down slightly to murmur in Luke's ear, "see, definitely not getting laid," and Luke stifles a laugh.

"I heard that."

Ashton smiles sweetly. "I know."

"I could get laid, right Cal?"

"You could totally get laid," Calum nods solemnly. "I'd do you."

"I'd do you better, though."

Calum raises a sceptical eyebrow, and Michael laughs before jumping on top of him and moving his right hand over Calum's neck, and running his left fingers down his chest.

"Get off me, pervert - what are you even doing-"

"Finding your turn-on spots," Michael grins. "To prove that I am the master of seduction."

Calum sniffs. "I think you shall find that is me," he says, before turning so that Michael slips off of him, and then he clambers over on top of him.

"I feel like I just walked in on some bad American porno," Ashton says. By this time, Luke has lost interest in falling asleep and is now sitting up properly with open eyes (and Ashton's arm around his waist). He blinks.

"What the fuck," he says.

"We're Australian, dickhead!" Michael calls over, and Ashton laughs.

"You're doing it wrong," he says. "You're too hetero for this shit."

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