Lashton - We gamble with desire *Part 1*

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We gamble with desire by softirwin

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 Part 1:

“Guys,” Michael says, making his way into the back lounge. “Have you heard of fanfiction?”

“Yeah,” Calum says absent-mindedly, not looking up from his phone as Michael slumps down next to him, resting his head on Calum’s shoulder. “That’s the thing where the fans write about us fucking, isn’t it?”

“What?” Luke asks, sounding half-shocked, half-afraid. “Write about us fucking who?”

“Each other,” Calum says. “Haven’t you ever read any?”

“No!” Luke says, scandalized. “What the hell is that all about?”

“I don’t know,” Michael says, with a half-shrug. “Some of it’s quite well-written.”

“You like reading well-written porn about us fucking?” Luke asks Michael.

“Don’t flatter yourself,” Michael says. “I usually read me and Calum.”

Usually?” Luke says, and his voice is about three octaves higher than normal. “Do you do this often? Is this what you get off to? Have you read it whilst I was in the room?”

“Someone go help Luke,” Calum says half-heartedly. “Sounds like he’s about to have a fit.”

“Ash,” Luke says, rounding on Ashton. “Have you heard of this?”

“No,” Ashton says.

“That’s it,” Calum says encouragingly, “make him feel like he’s not the only one.” Ashton chucks the nearest cushion at him.

“C’mon, it’s just a bit of fun,” Ashton says to Luke.

“That’s what Calum said to Luke when he put his fist up Luke’s arse in this one fic I was reading,” Michael remarks.

Fist?! Does that even fit?” Luke demands.

“I don’t know,” Calum says, curling his fingers into a fist and staring at it thoughtfully. “Wanna try?”

“Get away from me,” Luke says fearfully, curling himself into a ball. “Nobody’s anything is going up my arse.”

“Bit of a waste,” Michael says. “You’ve got a nice arse.”

“Stop talking about my arse!” Luke squawks, trying to cover it with his hands. “This is harassment.”

“It is,” Michael agrees.

“I hate this band,” Luke mutters.


After that, it kind of weighs on Ashton’s mind. He’s only read a few fanfics, like, just to see what they’re all about, and he’s never really bothered delving into it. But after their discussion, it’s all Ashton can think about.

It’s just gone two a.m. and Ashton’s the only one left awake. He’s sitting up as best he can in his bunk, laptop on his thighs, fingers tapping the keyboard thoughtfully before he starts typing properly.

5 seconds of summer fanfiction

He hits enter on Google, and the page loads immediately. Ashton scrolls, looking through the results for something that catches his eye, but it seems to all be the band members having sex with the girls who had written the stories. It’s not what Ashton’s looking for, since they’re probably all twelve years out of his age range.

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