Lashton/Malum - Getting to know you *Part 2*

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Getting to know you by Abbyp

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Part 2:

Ashton pulled out a map of the park when they got out of the car. He had picked the least popular park near Sydney without any facilities because they didn't want it to be too easy. The only facility there was, was a water tap near the parking lot.

The parking lot was almost empty; there were three other cars but the park was so big, the change they'd see another human being was almost non-existent.

The boys walked for an hour straight, looking for the best place for their camp, while Ashton drew their path on the map. Michael carried the two tents and a jerry can with water, Calum carried three suitcases, Luke carried another suitcase and the groceries while Ashton held the map and carried one jerry can. He hoped the boys wouldn't use too much water, otherwise they had to refill the jerry cans twice a day, which meant an at least two hour walk for one of them every morning and every afternoon.

"Ashton, are we there yet?" Michael asked in a whiny four-year-old's voice.

"Oh, I knew something was missing." Luke muttered. He was surprised Michael had been silent for so long.

"I don't know Mikey. I'm still looking for the perfect camping spot." He calmly spoke. Luke figured he was kinda tired from their journey too, and he couldn't blame him.

Ashton was looking for an open field or at least a spot in the woods where the trees weren't too close to each other to make a decent camp. Luke's arms started to hurt from carrying the two bags but he didn't want to complain in front of Ashton. To say he was relieved when they had finally found the perfect place to set up their camp, was an understatement.

Luke tried to help with the tent, but Luke wasn't sure how and Ashton looked like he didn't need any help, so he decided to help Calum and Michael instead. They were still trying to figure out how the tent poles worked and Luke rolled his eyes at them; they couldn't even figure out the easiest part.

The youngest boy was kinda proud of the beginning he had made when Ashton came over.

"Nice." Ashton complimented him, as they both finished what he had started. Luke felt a bit of extra pride go through him, even though setting up a tent wasn't the hardest thing in the world, though Michael and Calum had a talent for making it look like it was.

Luke took the tripod out of a bag, set it over the fire Ashton had just made, and poured a bit of water in the pan. Luke wasn't the best cook, but he was starving and he didn't want to ask Ashton to cook after all the work he had already done. There was no way he was going to ask Calum or Michael, cause he knew they'd all die from food poisoning if they'd cook. Seriously, why had Calum suggested to go on a camping trip if he couldn't even take care of himself out in the woods. The two boys were completely worthless when it came to this kind of stuff, but at least they were entertaining.

"Damnit, no signal!" Michael loudly grunted in frustration.

"If I had known there wasn't signal here, I would've said no!"

"That's the whole point." Calum explained.

"That's why camping is the best way to get to know each other."

Michael grumbled a bit, shoved his phone in his pocket and looked around. He eventually helped Luke with cooking while Ashton was taking a well-deserved nap on the ground. Calum said he was going to inspect the place a bit and collect wood for the fire.

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