Cake - Do you wanna build a snowman?

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Do you wanna build a snowman by Setmynameinhighlights

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"Oh my god, Luke, you burnt the fucking popcorn." The sighing and groaning begins as the boys are wrapped up in their hotel room, all in one bed, while they are snowed in for however long until they can get their tour bus back on the road. It's March, however, and they're still in shock that winter is still in full force over in England. But, with the couple feet of snow on the ground, and no sign of it stopping, it's evident that they'll be there for a while.

"Well, sorry. That microwave is shit! And I don't think it helps that there isn't any butter to put on it." They are all wrapped up in blankets, Luke cuddling into Calum, while Michael sits on the end, Ashton taking the other end where he is able to change his phone by the bedside table. It's quiet and nice as they are looking through the movies to buy from the hotel TV.

"Just choose one!" Calum whines, annoyed, as he snuggles Luke closer to him under the comforter. The room is pretty dark, and Michael is flipping through the movies to try to find one that would be worth all of their time. Most of the movies they watch are pretty shit due to the fact that they all had completely different tastes in what they enjoyed watching. Michael enjoyed most of the animated movies, while Calum liked some of the action movies kind of like Luke, and Ashton was more into humor or romance, feel-good movies. There was a lot of diversity, so it was very hard to please them all. 

Finally, Michael clicks on Frozen. He had heard a lot of hype about it, but none of them really knew what it was about, or the main idea. "Lads?" He asked, looking at the summary and reading it over. "What about this?" 

Ashton looked up from his phone, giving a weird face before laughing a little bit and shaking his head. "Are you serious, bro? That's like... a princess movie." 

"Did you have any other suggestions?" Michael asked, a little sass to his voice from being annoyed for looking for a movie while the other boys were not even helping decide. 

"Just buy it," Luke's voice was small underneath the blankets as he snuggle closer to Calum's chest and grabbed some popcorn that sat on the boys lap. "It's fine. I hear it's good, anyways." 

Michael clicks to buy it before he sets down the remote next to him, and lays back against the headboard. "I hope we don't regret this." He chuckles a little, grabbing some popcorn before groaning at the burnt taste. "Fuck, Luke. This is shitty popcorn." 


"Oh my god, that is the cutest thing I have ever seen!" Michael's voice is so chipper as they all start giggling at the small snowman on the screen. He takes his phone to take a picture of the screen, smiling as he does so.

"The snowman reminds me of Michael when he had white hair. With the buck teeth and everything." Ashton giggled, hearing the other laugh too as Michael rolled his eyes and told them all to 'shut up' under his breath.

Luke and Calum are still snuggling, whispering to each other throughout the entire movie. They had been seeing each other for a while, secretly after shows and in bathrooms so no one would ever know. But, now, they figured that they wouldn't just flat out tell Ashton or Michael, but just see if they would ever say anything. They knew that the boys would be alright with it, and they knew that no one would judge them for it-- especially fans. They just wanted it to be between them, and take their time to really figure out what each of them wanted. Of course, they were no strangers to messing around and letting each other know what they both wanted. 

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