Muke - Say it again

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Say it again by imkristinwbu

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"You were grinding against the slut, Luke!" Michael bellowed.

"Oi, just shut the fuck up, yeah?" Luke snapped back.

"You just don't know how to fucking commit!" Michael just wouldn't stop.

"I don't know how to fucking commit? Fuck off Michael. I fucking hate you!" Luke was losing his temper, everyone knew that Luke was only saying this to anger Michael. But Michael didn't mind that.

"Say it again." 

"I. Hate. Y-" 

Michael wouldn't let him finish his sentence before he was slamming Luke against the wall, knocking all the air out of him.

"Why don't you say it again, Lukey?" Michael said in an aggravatingly sweet voice.

"I-I hate you." Luke said weakly.

Michael attacked Luke's lips. 

He nibbled on Luke's newly pierced snakebite and Luke moaned.

Michael quickly threw Luke onto the bed.

He was also quick to straddle Luke.

"What do you think I should do to you Lukey?" Michael leaned down and whispered in his ear,

"F-Fuck me." Luke all but whispered.

"I dunno... Because don't you hate me-"

"No no I love you. So so much." Luke said.

"Are you sure?"

"So so sure... oh my god." Luke whimpered as Michael began palming him through his jeans.

"Is that what you like Luke?" Michael whispered seductively.

Luke nodded his head.

"Do you want more?"

Luke nodded his head so fast, you would've thought he would win a record.

Michael slipped Luke's pants off with very little struggle -surprisingly, how tight those things are-, then his shirt, and finally his own shirt.

Michael slowly slipped his hands into Luke's underwear.

Luke pulled in a sharp intake of breath.

Michael swiped his thumb across the head of Luke's penis.

Luke moaned.

"P-Please more." 

"More?" Michael questioned.

Luke nodded his head.

Michael scooted himself and Luke near the pillows.

Luke eagerly slipped his boxers off and Michael chuckled.

Michael wiggled his pants off, taking his boxers with it.

"I don't know if I should prep you..." Michael started and Luke's eyes widened.

"You did flirt with that girl... and dance with that other one... nope, not prepping you." Michael smirked.


"Or I could just leave you here." Michael smiled sweetly.

"No!" Luke suddenly got loud.

"What I thought." Michael mumbled.

"You ready?" Michael leaned down and whispered in Luke's ear. Nibbling on it while he was at it.

Luke looked scared... which almost made Michael change his mind.

But Luke's words repeated in his head.

I hate you.

Which caused him to slam into Luke, and Luke screamed, literally screamed.

"I'm-I'm fine." Luke whimpered.

"Luke- I'm-I'm sorry." Michael looked down ashamed.

He just hurt the love of his life.

"I'll-Um-Pull ou-"

"No!" Luke yelled, "Just do it," He said calmer.


"Now." Luke said, demanding as ever.

Michael slowly pulled out and eased back in.

"Michael... do it harder." Luke groaned.

Luke didn't even have to ask twice before Michael was slamming into him.

"M-Mike I'm- I'm gonna-"

And Luke came all over his own stomach and a little got onto Michael.

The sight of Luke withering and eyes squinted shut was enough to make Michael cum.

"Best. Makeup. Sex. Ever." Luke said once Michael was lying beside him.

Michael only laughed and kissed his forehead.

"I love you, Lukey."

"I love you too."

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