Malum - Nobody can compare to the way you get down

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nobody can compare to the way you get down by ashtxns

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“uhm,” calum says.

he only wanted to use the bathroom. he wasn’t expecting to see this.

the green-haired boy groans, face slightly flushed. “can’t you knock?”

“i’m sorry-“ calum stammers out. out of the corner of his eyes he sees the other boy quickly pulling his boxers and jeans up, zipping them. he fully looks at him to see the blonde boy looking slightly embarrassed, cheeks tainted pink. or maybe he was still coming down from the high of getting head only a few seconds before. calum didn’t know. and frankly, he didn’t want to know.

“hasn’t your mother taught you to knock? it’s rude to walk in on someone without knocking. that’s, like, common sense.” the green-haired boy speaks up and calum pulls a face because he certainly does not want to think about his mother when he just walked in someone blowing another boy.

as if he had heard calum’s thoughts, the blonde boy stands up straight and brushes past them, glaring at the other boy before disappearing out of the bathroom, not even glancing at calum.

the boy in front of calum sighs and gets to his feet, brushing the dirt off his jeans. “you just pissed off my fuck for tonight.”

“oh, i’m sorry,” calum says, mockingly. “hasn’t your mother taught you not to blow someone in the mcdonald’s bathroom?”

“hey, don’t bring my mum into this, she’s a nice lady!” the boy protests.

calum rolls his eyes. “that’s a the hangover reference. but that’s beside the point because mcdonald’s? really?”

the other boy shrugs, clearly not uncomfortable with the situation. “it was on my bucket list.”

“’suck someone off in a mcdonald’s bathroom’ is on your bucket list?” calum deadpans.

“what, it isn’t on yours?”

calum stares at him for a moment before sighing and he turns to his side, ready to go. “you just ruined my lunch, thanks a lot.”

he’s halfway out of the door when a voice stops him.

“can i suck you off?”

calum stops dead in his tracks but then he catches himself and simply flips the boy off before leaving back into the restaurant, hearing a chuckle behind him.

it’d be a lie to say that calum hadn’t considered it.

(how can he not, when he walked in on the green-haired boy, who was actually kinda attractive, blowing someone, with his pretty pink lips wrapped around the head of a cock, his eyes closed in pleasure, pre-come dripping down his chin and calum tries to forget but later that night, he closes his eyes and sees the boy on his knees in front of calum and that’s when he knows he’s fucked.)


he meets him again.

it’s as if fate has some fucked up way of letting calum know he may fancy a boy who asked if he could blow him and calum feels as if he’s in an episode of punk’d because he sees him again in a mcdonald’s, like, seriously? (fate is seriously messed up, calum decides.)

he has a snapback on and this time his hair is lilac, which looks even better than the green, and calum has to bite down on his lip and he quickly averts his gaze back to the front of the line and tries not to stare at the boy who had just walked in with two other boys.

too late, calum realizes that one of them is the blonde boy from last week but now he’s holding hands with a curly dark-blonde-haired boy and calum thinks, what the fuck.

“mcdonald’s? again?” a voice says behind him, close to his ear, and calum nearly jumps ten feet in the air. he turns around and, yep there he is,lilac-haired boy with the fucking snapback on grinning at him and calum’s eyes flicker down to his lips and he unconsciously licks over his own before locking his eyes again with the boys’.

“could ask you the same,” calum replies weakly and he definitely does not miss the way the boy starts smirking, mouth curved upward, and he blushes slightly.

“i’m with the lovebirds over there,” he answers and nods in the direction of the blonde and his curly-haired boyfriend in a nearby booth.

“isn’t that-“ calum starts. “the boy who you sucked off last week?”

lilac hair smirks. “yep. luke. two days later, he met ashton.”

“that’s. something.”

“my name’s michael, by the way.”

calum stares at him, his brain registers that information, and he nods. michael. fits.


michael grins at him, a lazy smile, and his eyes track down to calum’s lips before he speaks up again. “so, what do you say, calum,” he says, voice low, teasing. “my offer from last week still stands.”


michael looks pretty on his knees.

michael generally looks pretty, is beautiful all the time, fuck ‘standing in the right light’ because michael always looks pretty, with his lazy smiles and lip biting and lilac hair.

but he especially looks good down on his knees, lips wrapped calum’s cock, blinking up at him from under his eyelashes. so he tells him.

“fuck, you’re-“ calum pants out, hands gripped tightly in michael’s hair. “you’re so fucking beautiful.”

michael just hums, the small vibration making calum’s hip buck and he swears, glancing down at michael.

“fucking tease,” he mutters and wants to say something else but then michael’s tongue is swirling around the head of his cock and calum closes his eyes in pleasure and frustration and his hand grip michael’s hair tighter, fingers scraping against his scalp, delighted when he hears a moan coming from the other boy.

calum’s back hurts from where’s pressed up against the tile wall and he could’ve never dreamed of this, of getting a fucking blowjob in a mcdonald’s bathroom but first time’s the charm, right?

he could get used to it, though.

he could get used to michael on his knees before him, for him, his pink lips wrapped around him, cheeks slightly flushed, his hair a mess from calum gripping it, running his hand through it.

he definitely could get used to this, he thinks, when he can feel his high coming closer and then michael is using his right hand, too, and calum shuts his eyes in pleasure, focusing on the movement of michael’s hand and his lips and he groans desperately.

yeah, he definitely could get used to this.

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