Cake - All on his mouth like liquor

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All on his mouth like liquor by Mashton

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It was Michael's idea to start drinking. Liz and the guys let them have the house to themselves for the night, and no one protested when Michael came in carrying bags full of bottles of alcohol. None of them wasted any time, grabbed a bottle of whatever they felt like and made their way out to sit in the pool. Ashton's perched on the ledge of the pool, almost halfway through a bottle of whiskey and he's giggling, staring intently at Calum's torso.

"Like what you see, babe?" Calum smirks and moves to stand between Ashton's knees, pulls Ashton down by his neck and smacks a kiss to his cheek.

Ashton giggles again and nods, "You know you have a great body, shut up."

"Perfect for doing body shots off of," Michael ads from the opposite side of the pool.

Calum glances over at Michael who's standing with a lazy arm around Luke's shoulders, a small smirk playing on his full pink lips. Luke's blushing at the thought of it and it makes Calum giggle, "It's not a bad idea, really."

He pulls himself up out of the pool and dries himself off, and the boys shrug before doing the same. Calum's already in the kitchen pouring shots of tequila by the time the boys join him and it's adorable how giddy he is about this. Michael cuts up a lime and Calum hoists himself up onto the counter, his feet bashing into the cabinets and Luke's shins in the process.

"Alright, I'm going first, this was my idea," Michael says and nudges Luke out of the way with his hip.

"You're full of great ideas today, huh?" Ashton laughs.

Calum takes one of the shots of tequila and downs it straight before wiggling to lay down and Michael nods, shakes a line of salt on Calum's tummy just below his belly button and places a lime wedge in Calum's mouth. Luke's still blushing. Michael leans down and licks the salt off of Calum's stomach and Calum's struggling not to burst into a fit of giggles with the lime still in his mouth. Michael knocks back his shot and leans down to suck the lime out of Calum's mouth.

"You wanna go next, Luke?" Ashton asks and Luke's eyes widen.

"Oh, uh I don't kn-" Luke stutters but Michael cuts him off.

"Are you nervous, you fuckin weirdo? It's just Calum," Michael groans with a roll of his eyes.

Michael's right, Luke's being weird and it is just Calum. He's kissed Calum before, he can totally lick salt off of him and suck a lime out of his mouth.

"Don't be mean to Lukey," Calum coos and wraps an arm around Luke's waist.

"I'll go next, okay? You can watch me do it," Ashton grins and Luke nods.

Ashton makes everything look easy. Simple. Ashton's good at everything. Luke watches the way Calum squirms under Ashton's tongue and Luke's probably way more into this than he should be. Calum's arching up for Ashton after he does his shot so Ashton can get at his mouth easier and Ashton's laughing when he pulls back with the lime in his mouth.

Luke takes a deep breath as Michael sets up his shot for him and Calum grins up at him, rubs circles in the skin over Luke's hip. Luke doesn't know what he's freaking out about. It's just a fun way to do a shot and it's just Calum. Calum gives Luke's hip a tight squeeze before Luke leans down to lick the salt off of Calum's tummy. His skin is warm. Calum's always warm. It's soft, too. Calum's barely got any body hair and they always make jokes about it but Luke's always been jealous because Calum's smoother than the rest of them. Luke takes his shot from Michael's waiting hand and knocks it back, the bitter taste of it making his nose scrunch up and he blushes when his mouth lands on Calum's, giggling a bit as he gets his lips around the lime.

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