Cashton - Dissapointed

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Dissapointed by cashtonlashtonmalum

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It wasn't that Ashton was angry that he didn't have much of an ass, he was just- disappointed. Especially when he has to be in a band with someone like Calum, who probably was blessed with the World's Greatest Ass, and had to hear people tell him just how great it looked all the time. Luke and Michael told him nearly every day how great Calum looked in his jeans or shorts or whatever he was wearing, prompting Calum to compliment them back and all of a sudden they were in some ass complimenting party with Ashton angrily watching TV and wishing he could fill out a pair of jeans properly. So after about two days straight of Calum and the boys' complimenting each other, Ashton decided he'd rather strangle himself with a damn shoelace than have to hear another word about asses.

"I'm going out, I'll see you guys later." He mumbles, grabbing his wallet and walking out into the warm L.A. air. Thank god they decided to finish the album in L.A, Ashton was pretty sure he was going to freeze his balls off in the London weather, plus L.A. was a great place for him to kill time before having to return to the hotel. 

He walked around the back of the hotel, not really in the mood to talk to the girls outside, and caught a cab to the nearest mall. 

He paid the ridiculous amount of money for the 5 minute car ride and headed into the entrance of the food court. Looking at the directory, Ashton figured his best bet for a pair of good fitting skinny jeans would most likely be Urban Outfitters, so he headed toward the shop. 

After a very embarrassing stuttered conversation with the sales lady about what exactly he wanted jeans wise, he was sent to a dressing room with five pairs of jeans that were supposed to 'lift and hug' his frame. Trying the first three and showing the lady, both of them were disappointed and Ashton was sure he would never find the right jeans. He huffed and went back into the small dressing room, trying the next ones on and walking out. 

Upon seeing Ashton turn for her, the saleswoman grinned very happily. "I think these are exactly what you're looking for!" She turned Ashton around in the mirror, getting him to turn his head and look at his well defined bum in the mirror. Ashton looked at himself in awe and ran back into the dressing room, gathering his clothes and telling the saleswoman thank you and grabbing two more pairs of the jeans (as well as a pair of boxers that he had once that made his ass look pretty damn superb) paying, and leaving the store, wearing his new jeans that he told the cashier he was keeping on. 

He bagged his old jeans up and bolted out of the store, deciding to walk his way back home instead of taking a cab. His entire body was filled with joy as he headed down the street, swaying his hips happily. Ash couldn't help but think of the compliments he'd get from the boys, or that maybe Calum would stare at his ass for once and have to readjust his jeans. Ashton giggled at the thought of Calum getting worked up about Ash's ass, lord knows Luke's ass got Calum worked up quite a few times and then he had to deal with Michael's death glare. 

Ashton arrived back to the hotel around ten minutes later, stopping to happily sign a few autographs and take photos with the girls outside. He ran into the room and greeted the boys, who were all in the kitchen looking for something edible in the tiny area. 

"Damn Ash, did you get new jeans?" Luke questioned, eyes fixated on the drummer's rear. 

"Huh? Oh yeah, just found a few pairs and figured I might as well get them, good to have extra on tour right?" He said as if he hadn't spent forever trying to find them.

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