Lashton/Malum - Getting to know you *Part 1*

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Getting to know you by Abbypd

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Part 1:

The best way to get to know each other is probably by going on a camping trip. At least, that is what Calum said. It was easy for him to say, since he had known Michael for almost twelve years and Luke had joined them seven months ago, whereas Ashton had only met his new band members four times.

"I think it would a nice opportunity to get to know each other before we start a band, is all." Calum had explained himself. Michael had already made sure everybody in the room knew he hated camping but Luke knew he couldn't say no to his best friend.

"Pretty pleaseeeee." Calum pouted at him with big puppy eyes.

"With sugar on top." He added when Michael still hadn't said anything. The youngest could see the boy was struggling though, so he knew he was eventually going to say yes.

"Why the hell not." Michael grumbled while rolling his eyes. His face softened when Calum happily embraced him. Luke had agreed on going to. He didn't really like camping either and he wasn't sure if this was going to work since they barely knew Ashton, but they could at least try. If this was going to end up in one big disaster or a fight even, they could always kick the drummer out of their band again. Not that he wanted too, though. He didn't know the lad very well but he seemed nice, was a very talented musician and was quite handsome; although Luke would never admit that out loud.

All three pair of eyes now landed on Ashton. They had already found out he wasn't the shy kind of guy so it wasn't very surprising when he agreed without even thinking it over. Calum beamed at him, pleased that he had gotten his way once again.

"This is going to be so much fun." He promised, as he started making a list of supplies and groceries they needed. Ashton offered to help him right away, and Luke found out the older kid had quite some experience.

"I used to go camping with my dad every summer. When he left, my mum didn't want to go anymore, but I didn't want my sister to miss out on something that awesome. So I was in charge." He explained.

Luke felt really bad for the boy. He had already told them the story of when his dad left, and Luke didn't understand how a father could just abandon his wife and kids like that. He still had both his parents and he loved them very much. He couldn't imagine losing one of them.

Calum and Ashton's enthusiasm was extremely contagious, and even Michael was completely convinced now. The three oldest boys had all texted their parents to ask if they were okay with them camping somewhere in the woods of Australia and they had all said yes. Luke knew his mum wasn't easy to convince though. He knew she didn't like her baby going anywhere without her.

So Luke put his phone and speaker and called her, hoping the other boys could help him out with his impossible task.

"Hi mum."

"Hey baby."

Luke groaned as the other three boys started giggling at the nickname.

"Oh, I'm sorry honey, I didn't know I was on speaker."

"It's okay. Mum I need to ask you something." Luke wasn't mentally prepared for this.

"And what is that?"

"Can I go camping with Michael, Calum and Ashton?"

"No way! Luke, you're only fifteen, you're not going without an adult."

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