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"Hey, you need to eat," Xiu Ying pestered.

"I told you, I'm not hungry,"

"That's what you say everyday. And look, you're only 75 pounds. That's too light, for a 5"6, 17 year old girl,"

"I just have... no appetite," I muttered.

"Having no appetite for 2 years huh, yeah sure." she said sarcastically.

"Come on, at least an apple?" She said as she offered me the fruit in her hand.

"I have to go for detention now Xiu Ying," I told her as I ran off to the detention room.

As much as I love Xiu Ying, and though she's my only friend, I wish she could just leave me alone sometimes.


"You're here, have a seat," the teacher said as he gestured to the wide crowd of people.

Huh. I guess many people got into trouble today.

I took the only seat that was left, in front of Lin Kai and behind Yu Yan.

I gently slung my bag onto my lap as I took out my notes, planning to do some revision just before the exam in a week.

"Hey," a familiar voice mumbled.

I glanced back and forced a smile, "hello,"

"Um.. do you ha-"

But before he could finish his sentence, Yu Yan glared at me and hissed under her breath, "don't you dare talk to him, slut,"

All her words were like venom to me.

Feeling small, I nodded as I turned back to my notes.

"And help me do this too," she ordered as she threw a paper at me.

I glanced down as I saw that it was her homework. I nodded before scribbling down the answers.

I couldn't stand up for myself anyways. I was too weak to.

It's ok; Wang Linkai [✔]Where stories live. Discover now