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(A/N I'm sorry)

"We're sorry," the doctor said as he came out from one of the operating rooms.

"He... he died...?" I muttered, crashing into the floor and stared in shock.

"We tried our best," the doctor patted my back before leaving.

"He... died. He died. He died. Because of me," I muttered.

"Because of me..."

"What would I do without you..." I whispered.

He was the only one who has been especially nice to me since the first day of school. When the rumours spread, he had asked them to stop. Although he didn't make the rumours stop completely, he managed to stop it from going around the rest of the school. He had been the only one at that time that hadn't treated me like trash at that point of time. Though we were never close when we were freshmen, we had became relatively close the past few months. He meant so much to me, and I loved every part of him, from his personality, to his humour.

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