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"Come on, let's go," I said as I half dragged Xiu Ying to the car.

"I... don't want to," she muttered as she layed down on the back seat.

"You already dolled yourself up like this, just try, please?"

She glanced at me before sighing, "fine,"

It's been a month.

A month since Lin Kai was in a coma.

A month since Zheng Ting's death.

We were greatly bothered by the two boys' absence, Xiu Ying being the one really affected. Couldn't blame her, her boyfriend had died.

And for the past month, both of us has only been staying at home, refusing to have a physical contact with anyone. We were just there for each other, and that was enough. But I realised that we should honestly go out and get over it. And hence, I forced myself and Xiu Ying to get dolled up to go out to a night club.

And drink to our hearts content.

"Let's go," I said as I parked my car before hopping out.

"HelL," was clearly written on a large led board.

"Hello! Welcome to Hell ! I'm Bang Chan," a guy said as I nodded, greeting him in return.

"This way please," he said as he opened the door and the sound of loud music was heard immediately. I thanked him before leading Xiu Ying into the bar.

"Wait, can you help us take a photo?" I asked Bang Chan as he nodded eagerly, me handing my phone to him. I posed with a reluctant Xiu Ying before thanking him once again and going into the bar.

182,092 likes90,817 comments aici we be twinning' @xiuyingnicola where are you going?xiuying @nicola the club thanks to Ai Ci 😒shayna have fun !!

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aici we be twinning' @xiuying
nicola where are you going?
xiuying @nicola the club thanks to Ai Ci 😒
shayna have fun !!

"Damn, come on, let's drink to our hearts content," I said as I grabbed the drink I've ordered from the bartender and held it out to her. Our glasses clinked against each other as I finished the alcohol in one shot.

I hastily asked for another refill, and finding Xiu Ying doing the same. That went on for ages, until I felt my head feel like lead and my stomach queasy.

"Damn... I want Lin Kai back," I sobbed.

"At least Xiao Gui is coming back, how about Zheng Ting? He's never coming back," Xiu Ying said.

"You don't understand how I feel,"

"I do. Zheng Ting means a lot to me, a lot more than you think,"

"Hey, stop it!" A voice said as I felt the punching in my guts stop. I slowly opened my eyes, finding a tall and good looking guy standing in front of me.

"Stop it, Liu Yu Yan," he commanded.

"Who are you to tell me that huh...?" She snarled as her face went closer to his, but he didn't move an inch.

"As one of the few prefects of our level, I think that I'd ought to sop any fights from going on,"

"But do you even know who I am?" Yu Yan smirked.

"Yes I do, you're the daughter of Liu enterprise, but that doesn't mean that you can get away with everything," Zheng Ting smiled.

"Now go away before I tell the principal, and being the principals' favourite student, he may believe me despite your high profile,"

Yu Yan short him a glare before turning around and walking off, making sure it was obvious that she was angry.

"Are you alright?" He asked as he helped me up.

"Ye-Yeah. I am. Thank you," I bowed down.

"Don't need to thank, it's my duty and pleasure to help you,"

I nodded, looking away from him.

"Then, shall we be friends? The names' Zheng Ting,"

"It's alright, you don't have to. Everyone will look down on you if you are.... but the name is Ai Ci,"

"Alright, I hope to see you soon Ai Ci! If you need any help, just call me," he returned me back my phone that was previously on the ground but now held out, a new contact added in, "and I'll be there. Because that's what friends are for,"

"He was the only one who supported me at that time, when we were 14. Before you even became my friend,"

"Damn, okay, so, you take x plus y, which equals to the cube root of...."

"Okay, sorry, what?"

"Let me explain that again..."

"He was the only one willing to help me with school work,"

"Come on, take a bite?" He said as he held out a sandwich. I shook my head as he sighed.

"Alright. I know you don't want me to keep bothering you about eating but you really have to eat. I won't force you too, but there's nothing more than I want except for you to eat,"

"Alright," I said as I grabbed his sandwich as took two consecutive bites.

"Good," he grinned.

"He made me do things no one else could,"

"Man.. we"re in different classes," he sighed as we trudged home.

"It's alright, we'll still see each other right?" I said as he nodded, muttering "but still... I was hoping to be with you..."

"It's alright, it's time for you to make new friends with the many people that want to. I'll find my own way of of getting around. Thank you for being my friend for the past year and standing up for me, I love you... in a friend way," I smiled as I unlocked the door.

"I love you too," he whispered as I shut the door.

"We drifted further and further from each other when we were sophomores, but he still had that little place inside my heart, you know? No feelings behind it but he was honestly so important in my life. I'm glad we got closer again in our senior year,"

"Damn, thinking of all these makes me miss him more," I whispered as tears flowed down my skin.

The ringing of my phone interrupted me. A call from the hospital.

"Hello? Miss Lee?"


"Mr Wang Lin Kai has woken up,"

It's ok; Wang Linkai [✔]Where stories live. Discover now