Chap. 4

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Liam's POV:

After Amy ran off, I made my way to first period, making sure to check out all the pretty ladies roaming the halls. When I was back in London, I was the most popular lad in school, the only one who got all the girls. Here, no one knows the reputation I had, which is pretty great news for me. I can start a new slate... With new chicks, if you get what I mean.

Amy isn't bad looking, like at all, even though she doesn't seem to be dressy like the other girls in this school.

I walked into my math classroom, taking a seat towards the back of the room. As soon as I was comfortable in the seat, a random guy sat to my left. He looked like your average football jock. I wasn't sure whether or not to turn and talk to him or wait for him to talk first.

"So, looks like you're the knew kid in school huh?" he spoke.

"Yeah, is it that obvious?"

"Well, it's not really obvious because you totally look like a jock. But here at Hester High, we all know each other and you, I have not seen around."

"I was a jock back in London. The best of the best and I was the most popular person at my school. Girls wanted me and I made sure to make them all happy. My name is Liam Booker by the way." I turn towards him, extending my hand.

He shook it and said, "Tommy Ortega. Now, I believe everything you told me but I doubt you could get any girl in this school."

Tommy smirked, as if challenging me or something. As a Booker, I could not pass off a challenge.

"How about we make a bet?" I asked.

He laughed, amused at my words. "Oh yeah. But I get to choose the girl you have to seduce."

I agreed and watched as he pointed toward some girl who was standing right outside the classroom door talking to some people. Oh man, Tommy had chosen a hot girl to be my victim and I was definitely going to enjoy winning the bet. She was in this semi tight floral dress.

"Watch and learn Tommy," I got up, making my way to the door just as the bell went off, "Don't forget that we said $100."

I had come up with a plan in mere seconds and the bell, along with the sudden wave of students making their way into the class. I walked toward the girl, making sure I "accidently" bumped into her.

"Ow," she muttered. I was so going to get her addicted to me.

I face her and with an apologetic look on my face, I said, "I'm so sorry. I'm new here and I was going to see if the teacher was on his way. Uhmm, my name is Liam Booker. What is your name? I mean, a girl as beautiful as you must have a name right?"

I swear that she blushed for a split second before giving me a smile and saying, "Oh, don't you worry about it. Everyone has been in your shoes at least once. Yes, I do indeed have a name and it is Karma Ashcroft."

We walked to the desks and took a seat next to each other and in the middle of the classroom. Without allowing Karma to notice, I turned and gave Tommy a quick wink. A signal of how I was succeeding. For some strange reason he dindn't seem to care if he was about to lose the bet. He was actually grinning from ear to ear. What the heck?

I turn back to Karma who is telling me about the class and is asking me about where I am from. Brushing off Tommy's behavior, I listened and answered her. By the time the teacher had walked in, she knew that I was rich, a jock, and from London, England.

Before class even began, I found out she was one of the three popular students in school. How? The principal walked in right after the teacher and introduced me, making sure to point out Karma. Getting into her pants was seriously going to be the best thing ever.

Note: This chapter might not be that great but I rushed it a little because of things that I have going on.

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