Chap. 20

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        I was currently at home, finishing up getting ready.

        I looked at the time and it read 6:35.


        I forgot I had to go over to Liam's house before heading over to the meadow. Crap! I grabbed the car key, my purse, and basically zapped out of there.


Liam's POV:

        It was five minutes past 6:30 and Karma still hadn't shown up. I had told Tony what I was up to and he willingly went out to hide out in the backyard. When he got to my house, I talked to him and confessed my true feelings for Karma. He was surprised, but he said that with my confession, he had won the bet since I wasn't going to try to get her to sleep with me anymore. So what did I do, I gave him the money and he was happy about that.

        I hope Karma ends up showing up because I need to tell her how I feel and give her her gift.

        I was about to call her when I hear a knock on the door. I practically run and almost trip.

        "Hey," she says as we come face to face.

        "Hey," I say.


No One's POV:

        Liam let Karma into the house.

        Meanwhile, Tony had hear a car engine and so he went to the front yard upon hearing the front door close. He made his way toward the living room window, where he knew Liam was going to take Karma. Once he had eyes on the two, he pulled out his phone and dialed a number.

        His eyes never leaving the window, he put the phone to his ear and waited for someone to pick up.

        "Tony, what do you want?"

        "Hello to you to Lauren."

        "I'm kind of busy, what do you want?"

        "So, when is Karma supposed to be at the meadow by again?"

        "By 7. She has like 10 minutes. Why?"

        "Well, let's just say that Karma is either not going to show uo or is going to be late."

        "What are you talking about?"

        He smiles and begins to describe what he is witnessing, "Karma is currently at Liam's house. They are talking. I can't hear what they are saying but now he is handing her a gift. She took it. They're hugging now... Looks like they are discussing something... Karma is telling him something and smiling like a goof."

        "She's there! Why aren't you inside with them. You know I need to know what they are saying."

        "I would be in there but Karma told Liam to make me go away so I wouldn't see her. Yet, Liam was dumb enough to tell me so I'd go outside willingly."

        "Stay on the freaking line, do you hear?"

        "Yeah, but why?"

        "Because I said so."

        Tony did as he was told and kept watching Liam and Karma. He was curious as to what they were talking about, especially now that Liam was taking ahold of Karma's hand. He kissed it, but Karma slipped her hand off from his and was saying something. Then Tony saw as she was heading to the front door, so he ran back to the bayckard. Of course he was still on the line with Lauren.

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