Chap. 28

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         Karma gasped, covering her mouth as she saw how Amy's body laid still on the road. She got closer and that's when she saw blood.

         "You came out of no where. I tried to stop but then she appeared and pushed you and... And... It was an accident," the driver apologized.       

        Karma wasn't even listening, she was far too busy crying. Her eyes scanned her girlfriend's body and she couldn't comprehend how it all had happened. One minute she was running away from Liam and Amy; and the next she was being pushed to the side by Amy. Now there was a small wound on her arm, but Amy seemed to have gotten the worst of it. Amy was on the hard cement, half of her face was covered in blood, blood that was coming from her nose, the corner of her mouth, and from the scrape on her face.

        "Amy..." Karma gentle moved the body, "Amy..."

        The car driver was on the phone as she saw how Karma cried.

        Karma threw her body over Amy's, holding it as the ambulance arrived. The peramedics ushered her out of the way as they lifted Amy into a gourney and loaded her into the ambulance.
They allowed Karma to ride along since she told them that she was the girlfriend. Her crying had not ceased and only got worse on the ride to the hospital. She couldn't stand to see her Amy so vulnerble. She closed her eyes as she tried to calm herself down and that's when she heard the soothing, yet weak voice.


        Her eyes few open as she lovingly looked at the now consious Amy.

        Grabbing her hand, she spoke, "Shhh, don't speak. You have to save your energy okay?"

        The peramedic that was in there with Karma basically said the same thing to Amy. He told her how talking could tire her out and potentially lead her to become unconsious once more because of her condition. Of course, he didn't tell the girls what Amy's condition was.

        Amy didn't care, she tightened her grip on Karma's hand and let out a sigh of pain, "No, I have to talk. Karma, I-I'm so sorry. I-I-I didn't tell you about the talk Booker had with me because I didn't want you to hate me.."

        Karma interupted her, "I could never hate you. Now please save your energy and strength."

        Amy continued, "No, I have to and want to explain. His words did get to me but that isn't why I went to your house to make up... T-t-there are so many," she winced in pain, "as to why I went to your house instead of going to beat the shit out of Booker... B-b-but the main reason is that I love you with all of my heart and will."

        Karma's eyes continued to release tears, "I love you too you buttface, now, stop talking. Please."

        Amy avoided the pain she was in and chuckled, "You know what's ironic... W-well to me anyways... The day I found out about you and Booker, I almost got into an accident. Like I almost crashed into a car... A-a-and look at me now, I got hit by a car... R-run over to be more exact, b-b-but still."

        Karma's eyes went wide at the new information.

        "What? Amy, why didn't you tell me before?"

        "W-w-we were fighting, rem..."

        Amy didn't get the chance to finish as her eyes closed and she began to flat line.

        "Move aside!" The peramedic said as he injected Amy with a dose of vasopressin and started chest compressions.

        Karma watched in horror as he tried to revive her love.

        It seemed like an eternity had passed when Amy's pulse finally came back and she was stable once more. Unfortunately, she was unconsious.

        Once they arrived at the hospital the doctors were informed that Amy had flatlined once, remained unconsious after her pulse had returned, and that she had internal bleeding which needed to be stopped or she could die.

        Upon hearing all of that, Karma broke down and the paramedics tried to calm her down but they couldn't because she was slowly dying along side the love of her life.

        Just as they were about to take Amy away into the operating room, she regained consiousness and wouldn't let them take her in for surgery until she spoke to Karma. They told her that it was urgent for them to get operating on her but she stood her ground and refused to be taken anywhere until she was allowed to speak with her girlfriend. At this time, her mother had already been called and she had given them permission to proceed as she made her way to the hospital.

        Karma walked up to Amy and she couldn't speak, no words came out.

        Amy gave her a weak smile.

        "Karms, I-I love you, never forget that."

        "I-I know. I love you too, but now you have to fight, okay?"

        "Promise me that you'll be happy, that y-y-you'll find happiness with someone and be okay."

        Karma cried, "I promise that I'll be happy with YOU. I will be here once you are out of that operating room."

        "I-I-I-I wish I could have the same hope as you but K-Karma... I feel so weak. I have no strength."

        "Hey, don't you dare speak like that. If you die, I will never forgive you, do you hear me?"

        Amy smiled once more, "Please just find happiness."

        With that, she waved her hand as a signal that she was ready to be taken away.

        Karma watched as they took Amy away and she prayed that she'd be okay. She couldn't imagine a life in which she wasn't there. It had taken her long enoough to realize that the only person she loved and could ever love was Amy; and she couldn't bare the thought that she could be taken away from her. Amy was going to survive, she just had to.

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