o. anything.

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[ o. anything. ]
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PARKER HUFFED AS she helped load her mother's equipment into the car. "Can you at least tell me who you're gonna be shooting?" The annoyed girl sighed as she slammed the trunk for. Annalise Grenner sighed at her daughter's actions and gripped on tighter to her purse.

"Parker, I am a lady of business. A lady of business does not tell her business until it is time," the mother explained sternly as she put on her sunglasses. "Now, park that ass in the car, we can't be late." Parker sighed and got in the passengers seat, shutting the door and leaning her head up against the window.

"I don't understand why I'm going if all I'm gonna be doing is just organizing their clothes!" The annoyed teenager complained. Her mother put the keys into the ignition and ignored her daughter as she started to pull out. "Okay ignore me, that's fine too."

"Park, I've told you a million times. You will get to photograph with you're ready and you're not ready," Annalise reminded calmly, keeping her eyes on the road.

"You've told me I'm 'not ready' everyday for five years!" Parker exclaimed, getting a bit mad. "How am I 'not ready'?"

"End of discussion, love," her mother ordered, keeping her composure. Parker sighed knowing if she got on her mother's nerves even more, she wouldn't even get to go to the shoot. The teenage girl lied her head back on the window and continued to think who was this "celebrity" she had to wait hand and foot on.

Parker despised having to be under someone's command, it felt degrading. It was also embarrassing to her, especially if it was a random person who has millions upon millions of fans. All she wanted to do was take one memorial photo, the first professional one in the big, family business. In Parker's eyes, it will never happen; in her eyes, nothing will ever happen.

But define nothing?


Everything was chaos once it was down to merely minutes before the celebrity's arrival. Parker's mother's team was panicking, leaving the girl in everyone's shadows. Of course, Parker was already prepared, hoping her mother would notice but she never did. The brunette sighed and sat down beside the clothing rack she was clutching onto. That was her one job that had three rules.

One. Make sure absolutely nothing happens to those clothes. No mess, no mishap, nothing.

Two. Keep the clothing in order. Everything in her mother's eyes has an order that needs to be followed.

Three. Don't mess up.

Three minor rules that gave Parker anxiety too much. She sat in that seat, bouncing her leg because she was unable to sit still. She kept hearing footsteps and multiple people talking as she anticipated the starting of the shoot. It was always chaotic before and the beginning of the photoshoot, complete and utter chaos.

The nervous girl sat impatiently as she waited for the celebrity to arrive so she can get this show on the road and prove to her mother she's ready to become professional. Parker hated being behind the scenes, she wanted to be in the action. To say she actually did something besides making sure the clothes are on the rack or the model has everything they need. She despised it.

✓ | PHOTOGRAPHER  ( CALEB MCLAUGHLIN )Where stories live. Discover now