v. caleb questions

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[ v. caleb questions ]

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"HEY GUYS'!" PARKER exclaimed, waving at the camera in front of her. "I'm unoriginal so I'm doing another Q&A because I'm slowly running out of ideas and still grounded so-" She awkwardly stuck up her thumbs, smiling awkwardly at the camera. "So, I tweeted out that y'all should ask me some questions and yes I say 'y'all' because Esther says it all the time."

She started scrolling on her phone, trying to find some appropriate questions. "Okay here's one from Kylie: 'Why and how did you get grounded? By the way, you're really pretty and absolutely perfect'," the girl read allowed, letting out a squeal. "Aww! Thank you, you're so sweet. So if you wanna know how I got grounded, it's a long . . . long story." She nervously smiled and scratched the back of her head. "But basically, my mother had a model in to do a secession and I was in charge of the outfits. Well, me and my clumsy ass spilled food all over the outfits and stuff and yeah," she quickly explained, making her laugh at her stupidity.

     The door opened, grabbing her attention and making her look directly in front of her. "Oh look, it's spawn of Satan herself," Parker commented, her smile turning to a frown.

     "Oh look, it's the spawn of Satan's daughter who is being very loud," Annalise fired back, raising her eyebrow. Parker rolled her eyes and groaned.

"Okay, I'll be quiet," she smiled reassuringly. "Bye mother." The door closed and the girl looked directly at the camera. "I'm not gonna be quiet," Parker snickered, looking down at her phone. "Okay here's one from Thomas: 'Are you gay?' Ha, I mean if you call being happy gay then, yes. I'm very gay." Parker then let out a laugh and a snort, looking at the camera.

"Alrighty, next question. Okay so this one is from Amelia, 'How do you know Caleb Mclaughlin from Stranger Things?'" Parker's face went red and the smile on her face became wider. "Well if you must know, Caleb was the model I spilled my food all over and ruined the shoot," she explained, using her hands to move as she talked. "He was so chill about it though as I kept panicking. We ended up being friends ever since, so . . ." Parker awkwardly stuck her thumbs up, her face becoming more red.

"Okay! Next question!" She cleared her throat, scrolling on her phone. "'Are you and Caleb dating? Ps I love your videos.' Thank you, I'm glad you like them," she giggled, tucking a piece of hair behind her ear. "But no, no we aren't dating." Parker's face was now becoming hotter by the minute, making her grin.

"'Do you ship #Mcgrenner or #Parther?' This one is from Alyssa." Parker sighed, getting a bit annoyed from all the 'Caleb' questions. "I mean, Esther and I are a power couple so," Parker jokingly shrugged, bringing her legs closer so she could cross them. "Why are there so many Caleb questions today?" She nervously chuckled as she continued to scroll on her phone.

"'Will you ever go back into acting?' This one is from Lincoln." Parker pursed her lips, thinking about this question. "Caleb thinks I should, but I'm not good. I really like photographing and that's what I'm planning on pursuing so . . ." She trailed off, winking. The girl cleared her throat, chuckling at her stupidity.

     "'Do I have a boyfriend?'" Parker read aloud, looking down at her phone. "No I do not have a boyfriend, even though it would be nice." She shrugged, grinning. "So boys, hit me up." She winked, pointing at the camera trying to look cool. "Okay, this . . . this is why you're alone," she whispered to herself.

     "Okay, next question. 'Will you and Caleb ever date because I ship you two so hard.' Um . . ." Parker trailed off, getting a bit anxious even though she knew the answer. "These questions are all about Caleb today, huh?"

     "How about we go to the next question and I swear, if its another Caleb question," she muttered, looking down at her phone and anxiously scratching the back of her neck. "'Do you like Stranger Things?' Yes!" Her face lit up, getting excited by this question. "Fun fact: Andi actually made me watch it. At first, I didn't like the show even though I never watched it, but then once she forcefully made me watch it. I fell in love."

     She clapped her hands together, accidentally dropping her phone. "Shit! I mean . . . shoot!" She exclaimed, letting out a snort. Parker reaches down and picked her phone up, smoothing out her hair. "Okay, let's see the next que- . . . 'Why are you and Caleb friends?" Parker pursed her lips and stared annoyed at the camera, getting a bit irritated. "So this is all the time I have, I know it's short but." She shrugged, throwing her phone dramatically onto her bed.

     "Caleb and I are just friends, nothing more, nothing less," Parker said sternly, making it clear to her subscribers. "This video is really bad, but I cut it short due to all the inappropriate questions. Subscribe if you haven't already and do whatever the hell you want I guess," she smiled brightly at the camera. "Bye!" Parker then dramatically rolled off her bed, causally ending up on the floor and hurting her back. She let out a wince, laughing at herself.


username23: it gets me so mad because caleb and her are JUST friends but somehow, people just automatically assume they're in a relationship. like ,, no sis
likes: 203       dislikes: 5 ]
          username08: rt !!
          username10: i can ship whoever f off

username45: parker is so pretty awh
likes: 45       dislikes: 12 ]

username87: i love my wife 💗💘💞
likes: 12       dislikes: 3 ]

username34: she is not entertaining whatsoever ,, this is who y'all stan?
likes: 18       dislikes: 67 ]

username27: CALEB AND PARKER 😌🤪🤩😔🤣😫🤪
likes: 0       dislikes: 0 ]

username77: wait her and caleb mclaughlin are friends now? i don't understand
likes: 13       dislikes: 1 ]

wyattoleff: classic.
likes: 211       dislikes: 23 ]
          parkergreener: thx.
          wyattoleff: anytime.
          username31: ANGELS



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