xxii. all hell broke loose

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[ xxii. all hell broke loose ]
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     "I'M NOT COMING out!" Parker screamed as she continued to sob. She wiped her face with her sweatshirt and continued to cry as she took a spoonful of ice cream and sloppily shoved the spoon in her mouth.

"You have to come out sometime!" Esther yelled back as she continued to pound on the emotional girl's bedroom door. "You have to be at work in an hour!"

"You're mother didn't just wake us up and called us at five in the morning for nothing!" Andi shouted as she yawned midway. She rubbed her sleepy eyes and groaned.

"Park', come on," Dawn pleaded in a loud voice.

"No! I'm a horrible human being!" Parker sobbed and continued to cry dramatically. Dawn sighed and gently hit her head up against the wall to prove a point.

"She's not gonna come out," Andi whispered to the other two. She folded her arms, trying to think of how to get her out.

"You're damn right I'm not coming out!" Parker yelled back, notifying them that she could hear them even if they whisper. Esther huffed and leaned up against the wall, tilting her head back.

"What're we gonna do?" Dawn asked quietly as she tried to make sure the girl inside couldn't hear. Esther shrugged, willing to give up. Dawn pursed her lips together and huffed, trying to think of a reasonable way to get her out or get them in. She knew since Parker wouldn't come out, they'd have to come in. Dawn took a bobby-pin that was once in her hair and stuck it in the doorknob, moving it around hoping it'll open.

     It was their last resort.

     The door opened to their surprise, seeing a saddened girl sobbing with a tub of mint chocolate ice-cream. Parker looked up and saw her friends, who were shocked yet sad due to the fact they were watching their best friend sob. "I ruined it," she sniffled and shook her head, "he didn't deserve what I did."

"All your Mom told us was you went to visit Caleb in Atlanta and she put you up with a job offer and then . . ." Esther trailed off, becoming quiet.

"And then all hell broke loose," Andi finished as she cleared her throat awkwardly. Parker wiped the tears off her cheek and sniffled once again.

"You know I love photography, I can't live without a camera in my hand," Parker added softly, her voice breaking, "and you guys' know I love Caleb . . . so much it hurts." She paused, letting out a shaky breath. "Mom said I could have the job I always wanted the day I went to see Caleb. I made a promise to myself that nothing will get in the way of this opportunity and I'll work my hardest."

"So, you broke it off with Caleb," Dawn realized and sighed. Parker nodded and then started to cry again. The three ran to her and sat down beside her, pulling her into a group hug. "Baby . . ."

     "I-I feel so bad," Parker cried into Andi's shoulder. "I didn't mean to hurt him, I didn't mean for any of this."

     "You need to talk to him," Esther stated. Parker pulled away from the group and wiped her eyes.

✓ | PHOTOGRAPHER  ( CALEB MCLAUGHLIN )Where stories live. Discover now