xx. choose.

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[ xx. choose. ]

PARKER SMILED AS she continued to pack her suitcase, thinking about surprising Caleb in Atlanta. The thought of them seeing each other again after confessing their crushes for one another made butterflies swarm around in her stomach. She let out a giggle as she was unable to control her emotions.

     She imagined how Caleb would react when surprising him and what's gonna happen next between them. What if they start dating instantly? What if they kiss right then and there? All these 'what if's' ran through her mind, letting out a squeal. "Why are you laughing and letting out inhumane sounds?" Erin asked curiously as she poked her head inside the room. Parker jumped out of fear and clutched her chest.

     "You scared the living shit out of me!" Parker exclaimed with a whiny tone. Erin smirked and leaned against the door frame as she watched her cousin continue to pack up her belongings.

     "You seem weirdly happy today," the brunette pointed out, "is it because you're gonna see Caleb?" The tall girl's face immediately became red and smiled, though, tried to hide it by leaning down.

     "You mean . . . my potential boyfriend?" Parker mischievously grinned as she leaned back up and closed her suitcase. Erin's face lit up with excitement and squealed excitedly.

     "Spill everything to me," Erin hurriedly ordered as she ran over and jumped onto the bed.

     "I have a flight in an hour, I'm already late," the tall girl explained as she pulled the handle on her suitcase upward. "We just kinda . . ." she trailed off, not wanting to say but soon gave in. "He called me and told me he loved me!"

     "Oh my God!" Erin screamed loudly due to the fact she was fangirling. "That's so cute!"

     "I know!" Parker agreed as she let out a laugh, "and he did it so cute and ugh!"

     "Parker! If you wanna see this boy so much, we need to leave!" She heard her father yell from downstairs. The girl's heart skipped a beat just imagining seeing him after everything they've told each other. She whipped her head towards her cousin with a wide smile on her face.

     "That's my cue," Parker whispered before running out of the room with her suitcase rolling.

     "Go get your chocolate daddy!" Erin yelled back jokingly adding a chuckle onto the end.

     "Never say that again!"


     Parker let out a huff and sat down in her seat, finally relaxing after the stress of getting on the plane. She stared out the window and examined her outside surroundings, trying to take her mind of Caleb for a moment. Her anxiety was increasing and she was about to panic. Although this is an exciting moment and it's wonderful, it still gave her anxiety. All the nice 'what if's?' turned into worrisome questions. She bounced her leg anxiously and twiddled her thumbs. Suddenly, her phone buzzed on her lap making her jump and quickly grab it.


( 2 participants )

✓ | PHOTOGRAPHER  ( CALEB MCLAUGHLIN )Where stories live. Discover now