viii. casual panicking

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[ viii. casual panicking ]


liked by therealcalebmclaughlin, dawn_hester, and 587,196 others

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liked by therealcalebmclaughlin, dawn_hester, and 587,196 others

parkergreener: to distract you from my ass hanging out, here's a close up of the bottom of my foot 🤠


dawn_hester: when isn't your ass hanging out?
parkergreener: @dawn_hester i mean technically i don't have an ass i'm a literal stick
user21: the trees are quaking
[ parkergreener liked user21 comment ! ]

user99: StoP swearing!!

esther.malone: hottie mcthottie
parkergreener: @esther.malone coming for ronald mcdonald's brand like-

finnwolfhardofficial: @noahschnapp you gonna come and like this one too?
noahschnapp: @finnwolfhardofficial FINN WTF
therealcalebmclaughlin: GUYS @finnwolfhardofficial @noahschnapp WTH ARE YALL DOING ??
parkergreener: totally not having a panic attack or anything 🤩🤪

user34: someone fill me in to why finn is friends with parker?? if they're dating i will kill myself
parkersgreeners: basically parker was helping with a photoshoot her mom was doing and caleb was the one getting his pictures taken. being the skinny legend parker is, she spilled her food all over his clothing and they became friends from it. also ,, don't kill yourself just because they may or may not be dating, don't even jump to conclusions because i bet her and finn haven't even conversed ONCE :)
[ parkergreener liked parkersgreeners comment ! ]

andirogers: you always blow me away with your beauty 💞💖💝💕💗💘💓
parkergreener: @andirogers i love u uwu

user75: what does it take for u to notice me?
parkergreener: @user75 a kit kat and a box of snickers
user75: @parkergreener OMG I LOVE U SO MUCH IM SCREAMING

gatenm123: welcome to bible study, we're all children of Jesus . . . KUMBAYA MY LORDDDDDD
esther.malone: @gatenm123 I LOVE HIM OMG BUT WHY IS HE HERE ,,
therealcalebmclaughlin: maybe if i ignore them intruding they'll go away
parkergreener: what is HAPPENING?

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