xviii. not platonically?

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[ xviii. not platonically? ]

/ IRL /

PARKER CLOSED HER cousin's door behind her and sighed, tired from the trip to Ohio. She sighed and dropped her bags she was holding onto the door and watched as her cousin lies down on her bed. Just as Parker was about to walk over there, her cousin, Erin, stopped her. "Not so fast," she huffed, confusing Parker. The tired girl threw her arms up in the air in irritation.

     "I just wanna relax, Erin," Parker whined as she rubbed her forehead. The cousin sat up eager to tell Parker what had been on her mind.

     "So, Caleb huh?" Erin winked making Parker groaned and roll her eyes, completely done with the sparking conversation.

"I'll just sleep on the couch—" The tired girl breathed out as she turned around and opened the door directly behind her.

"Park, no," Erin demanded which made the tall girl stop. "Just spill the tea." Parker turned around and slumped over, not wanting to. "Come, come," Erin said as she patted the bed. Parker let out a groan and a eye roll before slowly stumbling over to the bed and sitting down.

"What do you wanna know?" The tall girl questioned as she yawned. Erin smirked a mischievous grin and moved to fold her legs.

"So is it true, are you guys' actually dating?" The brunette asked with her eyes wide. Parker swallowed the forming lump in her throat and let out a nervous chuckle. Sure they weren't dating, so the answer to that question would be a flat out 'no'. But if Erin asked her if she wanted to date Caleb, that answer would immediately change.

     "No it's definitely not true," Parker clarified as she nervously scratched the back of her neck. "Why does everyone think we're dating or that we look good together. I just don't see it."

     "Do you like him?" Erin asked with a smirk. Parker's breath hitched and her heart started to race. She bit her lip and looked down at the bedding, trying not to smile. "Oh my god you like Ca—!"

     "Okay, okay!" Parker giggled which cut off her cousin. "Maybe I do like Caleb . . . but—"

     "But what?" Erin questioned with concern, her facial expression changing quickly.

     "My Mom," the tired girl breathed out as she rubbed her tired eyes, "I have a feeling my Mom is gonna recruit me for that higher spot I've been working for."

     "I heard my Dad talking about it to your Mom," Erin paused, "she's definitely considering it."

     "Fuck," Parker whined and threw her head back.

     "I thought this was supposed to be a good thing?"

     "It is! It's a very good thing!" Parker exclaimed as her emotions continued to mix and confuse her more. "But this job is serious and until I find some way to juggle it with different things . . ."

     "No Caleb?"

     "No Caleb," the anxious girl finished, leaving Andrea breathless.

✓ | PHOTOGRAPHER  ( CALEB MCLAUGHLIN )Where stories live. Discover now